1859 October 18 Letter to Dwight Eveleth


1859 October 18 Letter to Dwight Eveleth


Brigham received the information on the well boring machine. Instructions will be sent for shipping the press. Many outsiders are leaving,




Brigham Young


Dwight Eveleth


1859 October 18


Great Salt Lake City
San Francisco, California


Financial Matters

Item sets


G. S. L. City, Oct. 18, 1859.

Elder Dwight Eveleth,
San Francisco, Cal.,

Dear Brother:--
Yours of Aug. 4. and Sep. 14 came safe to hand. I am obliged for the information you furnished concerning the apparatus for Artesian well boring, and trust that ere long some one will engage in that business, which I am confident will be very profitable to the operator and beneficial to our farmers, stock raisers, and gardeners.

Bro. Matthew Wilkie has arrived, and I am pleased to learn that br. Norton is on his way home.

The sum of $35 75/100, which you paid for storage of printing press, is placed to your credit on tithing. I have given br's Blair and Ferguson, Editors of the Mountaineer, permission to send for the press, &c., and so far as I know, they some time past took steps to have it brought here. Be so kind as to hold the press, and any property connected with it subject to instructions from here.

The steady and numerous departure, East and west, of those who delight not in the truth and its ways, is fast restoring to our city its former precise worthy characteristics. The wicked still occasionally slay the wicked, which with the increasing scarcity of money and consequent dulness in trade, makes many quite anxious to be off as soon as possible.

You will be able to learn the details of transpiring events in our papers.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young

P.S. I will be responsible to Br. George Q. Cannon for the press.