G. S. L. City, Nov. 1, 1859.
Hon. W. H. Hooper, M. C.
Washington City. D. C.
Dear Brother:--
Nothing of much moment has occurred to mark the usual routine of events since your departure. The detachment of U. S. Troops lately encamped on Bear river has returned to Camp Floyd, and those in camp are quietly pursuing the routine of camp duty, with what particular benefit to themselves, to Utah, and the country at large, in return for such an enormous outlay of public funds, is left for those who sent and keep them here to answer. <Yet in the matter of money, goods, mules, wagons, &c. &c. they have greatly benefitted the people of Utah, for those articles were scarce and highly necessary to our rapid[?]> advancement in temporal prosperity.
Trade in imported articles continues dull, money scarce, and the traders generally have little to do but scan shelves groaning with goods, and lament the fewness of buyers. Our floating population is constantly decreasing, insomuch that East Temple Street begins to wear the characteristics of olden times, previous to the advent of the advocates and practicers of modern civilization. The weather is and for a long time has been unusually pleasant, affording remarkable facilities for out door operations in which the people are very busily engaged, and bidding fair for an open winter.
Contrary to my usual custom, not having been advised by you concerning your financial condition, I have drawn upon you draft No 142, favor of Ross J Yancey New York City, for $100 00/100. I trust so small an amount will cause you no particular inconvenience, and presume that future circumstances will not require me to draw upon you without previous advisement
Please be so kind as to write by every mail and other opportunity,, giving me the news, position of financial and other affairs, and advices from the Liverpool Office, for, though at times you may fancy that you have nothing of interest to write, you are aware that your views upon matters already known and everything you may write cannot fail to be interesting to myself and your numerous friends in Utah.
Your wife, br Horace S. and the papers will inform you upon private affair, & and current events. Your privilege is unbounded on the Liverpool Office, and if you are advised that they are in funds above present liabilities, you are at liberty to draw on them for the amount of money br. H.S. Eldredge used of yours, which will answer as well as to send a draft from here. Br. Horace was very anxious to send you said funds by this mail, but I dare not draw on the Liverpool Office, without further advices from there.
Your family, friends and the people generally, except a few colds, usual to the season, are in good health.
Your Brother in the Gospel
Brigham Young