G. S. L. City, Nov. 3, 1859,
President A. Calkin,
42 Islington, Liverpool, England,
Dear Brother:--
I have not received a letter from you, nor from the Liverpool Office, since my last to you on the 6th of Oct.
In addition to business items and the news in our papers, there is but little of much moment to inform you upon. The U. S. Troops, so far as I am aware, with the exception of the few at Bridger, are all concentrated in Camp Floyd pursuing the routine of camp duty, with what satisfaction or benefit to themselves or any body else is left for those who sent and keep them here, at such immense outlay of public funds, to determine. How long their stay will last we neither know nor care, but the almost constant departure, east and west, of various descriptions of the army followers tends to restore the former characteristics of our city. The army has certainly helped us to a large amount of money, goods, mules, wagons, iron, &c &c articles much needed by and very useful to <the> inhabitants of our Territory.
Since last advices I have drawn upon you draft No. 140, for Pound6.00.0, in favor of Emma Morriss, Banowdon, Rutland, England; No. 141, for Pound10.00.0, favor of Emily Davis, Wilsford, Wiltshire, England; No 143, for Pound4.00.0 favor of Able Binch, Colverton, Nottingham, England; No. <sight> 144, for Pound10.00.0, favor of Charlotte Smith, Harley, Near Bamberry, Oxfordshire, England; No 145, for Pound10.00.0, favor of Edward See, same place as Sister Smith; No <10 days> 146, for Pound16.00.0, favor of Aaron Rigby, Wigan, Lancashire, England; No 147, for Pound20.00.0, favor of Mary Britton, Deaton, near Wetherby, Yorkshire, England, to be paid when she is ready to emigrate from Liverpool; also pay the $75.00/100 sent to Mary Leetree, as advised Jan. 14, 1859, when she is ready to leave for this place. In regard to Sister Juliana E. Sims money, you are at liberty to draw upon this Office for the amount, in favor of Juliana Eliza Sims, or debit that amount to the a/c of the Trustee in Trust, just as you may prefer.
At your earliest convenience, please forward a detailed account of your business transactions from the time you took charge of the Liverpool Office, to the 31st of Dec., 1859; and from the last named date so manage business, that you may be able to forward detailed accounts once a month, or once a quarter.
Draft No <Sight> 148 for Pound2.00.0 favor of Mrs Sarah Squires, Mrs Daw's Park Street Hatfield, Herts, England.
On the 23rd of October, in a meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve in the Historians office, Elder George Q. Cannon was unanimously elected to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of br. Parley P. Pratt; and Elder Jacob Gates was in like manner, elected to fill the vacancy occasioned by the apostacy of Benjamin L. Clapp. From prudent motives connected with br Cannon's present mission mission and duties, his election has not yet been published in our papers, nor made public in our Tabernacle meetings, and, until further advised, it will be wise for you to omit any notice of it either in the Star or your public meetings, in short, to keep this knowledge to yourself.
Notwithstanding a few colds, incident to the season, which is remarkably pleasant, good health generally prevails, and we feel blessed of the Lord continually.
Your Brother in the Gospel
Brigham Young