1859 November 17 Letter to William H. Hooper


1859 November 17 Letter to William H. Hooper


Many officers and traders have returned to the States. Utah's climate and culture are uncongenial to their liking.




Brigham Young


William H. Hooper


1859 November 17


Great Salt Lake City
Washington City, D. C.


Business Matters

Item sets


President's Office
G. S. L. City, Nov. 17, 1859

Hon. W. H. Hooper, M. C.,
Washington City, D. C.

Dear Brother:--
Having written somewhat at length on the 3d. inst., so far as events had then transpired, I write upon this first recurring opportunity I have in compliance with my suggestion to you at that date, viz:-- to write as often as possible, than because anything of particular moment has occurred, or than because under present circumstances, there are any additional items, plans, or movements to which to call your attention.

The army is still quietly concentrated in Camp Floyd, obviously more to the benefit and gratification of the people of Utah than to itself or the public at large. Many of its officers have left on furlough, &c. and report says that many more, if not all, would rejoice in being like privileged. Quite a company of traders and other transients left for the East on the 16th inst., which, with the numbers that had previously departed East and west, leaves our floating population slimly represented here; and from present indications but few of that class, outside of Camp Floyd, will winter in Utah. They report the soil, climate, habits and customs of our population to be uncongenial to those who do not prefer to "mind their own business," and to labor for a creditable livelihood honorably obtained rather than to swindle, cheat, spunge, gamble, debauch, or steal. The few who remain have materially changed their outward tone from peddling foods for blood and hanging for belief and mode of worship to a "fearful looking for" the future and a great uneasiness about their eastern indebtedness.

Money is scarce, goods plenty, and purchasers, in the main, are patiently biding their time, greatly to the disappointment of traders who desire to make a fortune in a day.
The weather is and for some two weeks past has been a little stormy, which has so changed the atmosphere that the late feverish colds somewhat prevalent have almost entirely disappeared, leaving the people in the enjoyment of their usual good health.
Please, as heretofore advised, write by every mail, whether it be much or little. And let no apparently untoward circumstances or events, either political or commercial, depress your faith, spirits, and efforts, at least no further than you can possibly prevent, for our God is at the helm of the great work in which we are engaged.

All is well. May God bless you in every good word, work, and desire.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young