1859 November 26 Letter to Cyrus H. Wheelock


1859 November 26 Letter to Cyrus H. Wheelock


A. F. Murray is to sign a bill of divorcement and provide property and support for his wife and children.




Brigham Young


Cyrus H. Wheelock


1859 November 26


Great Salt Lake City
Springville, Utah County U. T.



Item sets


Presidents Office,
G. S. L. City Nov. 26, 1859.

Pres. Cyrus H. Wheelock,
Springville, Utah Co. U. T.

Dear Brother:--
Br. Hosea Stout has favored us with the perusal of your letter to him of Nov. 20. touching the matter of differences between bro. A. F. Murray and his wife Emma Elizabeth Lord [-] from all I can learn there is no use in multiplying words about the matter, as Sister Emma's feelings appear to have become alienated from br. Murray, from some cause, and she wishes a bill of divorce. Such being the case, I wish you to request br. Murray to come to the Office, upon the earliest day possible and sign a bill, pay for it, and make arrangements to let her have as much property as she had when she was sealed to him, either in whole or in part in kind, as they may agree, which will simply leave her as he found her as far as regards property, and then provide her with means for maintain<ing> the two children she has by him. At the time he took sister Lord he agreed to treat her so kindly and properly that she would not call for a bill, and now she insists upon having a bill, and it seems but fair that he should not only sign a bill, but also foot the bill.
Please inform Br. Murray that his early attention to this matter will probably save him extra expense, as br. Stout has agreed to wait a short time, long enough to give br. Murray a chance to come down and attend to the matter, if he is diligent about it.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young