1859 November 29 Letter to Henry Maiben


1859 November 29 Letter to Henry Maiben


A request to safely repack boxes of books to prevent mice from destroying them.




Brigham Young


Henry Maiben


1859 November 29


Great Salt Lake City
Provo, Utah Country, U. T.



Item sets


President's Office,
G. S. L. City, Nov. 29, 1859

Elder Henry Maiben,
Provo, Utah Co., U. T.,

Dear Brother:--
I am informed that mice are committing depradations in the boxes of books stored in Provo. I wish you would at once examine all of said boxes, and where there is the least probability that mice have entered a box, unpack it, securely stop the holes, repack, and then arrange the boxes in such manner that mice cannot sit upon the ground or floor and nibble at a box, and so far from the sides of the building, from each other, and from other articles in store that a cat can travel freely among them; and in addition, occasionally examine the boxes to know whether your arrangement and care have proved effectual, as it is very impolitic to import books from England to be destroyed by any avoidable cause.

Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young