G. S. L. City, Dec. 1. 1859.
Hon. W. H. Hooper, M. C.,
Washington, D. C.
Dear Brother:--
By yours of the 1st inst., I was pleased to learn that yourself and company reached the frontiers in safety and good health. I presume that your arrangement for the stock, &c. during the winter, is safe; yet it may be well to occasionally enquire after them, that there may be no avoidable disappointment in the Spring.
I congratulate you upon having been privileged to meet your daughter under such pleasing circumstances, and trust that your expected interview with your sister may prove like agreeable.
As you state, it is highly probable that the people east of the Mountains, both rulers and ruled, will have enough to do in looking after affairs nearer their own doors than in Utah, which it is presumed will much facilitate your official efforts in behalf of the rights of your constituents, or at least give you less trouble in securing and preserving those that remain than has at times been the case hitherto.
The late cloudy, foggy, alternate snowy and rainy weather has this morning given place to a mild sunny day; no cold weather, up to date.
Affairs at Camp Floyd remain as at last date, 17th inst. Business also wears the same dull aspect, money remaining scarce
Elders Hyde and Benson have just returned from a trip to Cache Valley, and report that region to be rapidly filling with settlers.
A very perceptibly increasing quietness again characterizes our city, no Baltimore riots, and drunkenness, rowdyism, &c. much on the wane.
Pres's Kimball and Wells are making good progress, for the season, in their out door operations Pres. Kimball preparing to manufacture oil, and Pres. Wells, nails.
The health and feelings of the people are generally good.
Be pleased to observe that, as yet I have written by each mail, since the 29th. of Sep., soon after your departure, without waiting the sequence of transpiring events for items of unusual interest or novelty, and hope you will do likewise, that from correct knowledge of transpiring views and acts, we may be better able to co-operate with you.
You are probably aware that Secretary Hartnett is absent, and probably will be during this winters session of the Assembly, if not longer.
Our Legislators convene in the Social Hall in this City, on the 12 inst. Gov. Cumming issued his proclamation to that effect, after requiring an assurance that no rent would be charged for the use of the buildings. Thus you perceive that in addition to assembly rooms free of rent, the members are in a fair way to have to provide their stationary, fuel, &c. or do without. Other legislative bodies are privileged to move and remove, use expensive furniture a short time and cast it aside for other, with impunity and at the expense of the public, but we are little now, and rather sit in our own chairs, in our own rooms, and warmed by our own fuel, than for the poor old Gentleman to furnish us.
What a lamentable affair lately took place at Harper's Ferry! You will probably hear something about it this winter.
Do you think that South Carolina means what one of her Senators lately wrote, in reply to an invite to a complimentary dinner to a Mr. Chestnut?
Captain, what shall we do when we annex all of Mexico? We have not enough blacks to settle the country, to raise the cotton, rice, and tobacco that are wanted. If any of them do ship from Africa, tell them not to say a word about, nor in any way let it be known.
Keep your beard straight and stickly combed back, so as not to hinder the cars when you ride; though I recollect that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither riches to men of wisdom! The old ship will make the port, leaving to us the easy task of simply being on board, each one faithful at the post assigned him. The cars will also start at the time appointed as br. George A. dreamed.
Dec. 7
I have been lately informed that the Mail Contractors on our Eastern route have arrangements for carrying letters outside the mail, as an Express, and the deeming that the more reliable channel will account for the last written date
Cap. Van Vliet informs me, by letter of the 5th. ult. that he desires a cadet ship for one of his half brothers, and had written you upon the subject. In reply, I have informed him that it would please me to forward his wishes in the matter, so far as in my power, and that I would so advise you at even date. It is not politic, at least at present, for Utah to send any one to West Point from here, for if one of whom she could justly be proud was sent, the position would be made too disagreeable for him to endure; and we should not be pleased if one sent from here should succumb and prove a disgrace to us. For these reasons, and as an act of gratification and kindness to the Captain, you will confer a favor by useing your influence for the desired appointment of his half brother, in case there is or should be a vacancy at West Point to the credit of Utah.
Inclosed please find a bill of articles which I wish you to be so kind as to purchase for me, in time to be forwarded with br. Andrew next season. Per advise of current date, Pres. A. Calkin will provide you with a letter of credit for some five or nine hundred dollars, as the case may be, to be applied in payment of said bill. Should the letter of credit not cover the amount of purchases now requested, timely arrangements for the balance will be so made as not to cause you any inconvenience, as I do not now know the amount of said letter of credit, nor what the articles will cost. Should the letter of credit not cover the bill, and other means not be forthcoming in time, please drop off such articles as can best be dispensed with, as silks and satins, using your own judgment.
At daylight on the morning of the 6th, inst. the thermometer read 22 below zero, which is 6 colder than before experienced here since our settlement, so far as we have reliable record. The weather is still cold, interrupting out-door operations, and the pass from Box Elder to Cache is blockaded with snow. Much snow, for the time, has fallen on the mountains; and there is more or less in the different vallies.
Dr. Bernhisel lately informed me that he was much pleased with the privilege of tarrying at home this winter, rather than being engaged in the exciting scenes amid which you are officially acting.
You will of course, so far as compatible with his feelings, frankly advise with our much esteemed Friend Col. Kane, who, with his beloved family, is much in my thoughts. His efforts in behalf of right have repeatedly been of signal value, and his counsels, dictated by his experience, sagacity, and high toned integrity, will essentially aid you in your new field of duties.
I herewith transmit a small bill of stationary which I shall be pleased to have you fill in time for Br. Andrew to bring, if the state of our funds will permit.
I shall write again soon, probably next week. Please write often.
Ever be assured that yourself, br. George Q., our true Friend, and all lovers of right enjoy the good wishes, faith, and prayers of
Your Brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young