G. S. L. City, U. T., Dec. 6, 1859.
Captain Stewart Van Vliet,
U. S. A., Fort Leavenworth, K. T.,
Dear Sir:--
On the 30th ult. I perused, with much gratification, your letter of Nov. 5; and aware of the truth of your experience that in this fast age matters postponed are liable to be over-looked, I most cheerfully embrace the opportunity for an early reply.
Please accept my thanks for the friendly and humane feeling manifested in your trust that the "vexed Utah Question" is settled, which trust would most assuredly be realized, were the human family as ready to concede rights as to claim or take them. But you are most perfectly aware that under - current influences are so numerous and strong that it is not always easy to determine when a political matter is settled, nor how long it may remain so. Many of the operators in the Utah affair should, if at all reasonable, begin to be satisfied with the amount of money they have secured in the operation, and be ready to let go. But there are also many who have been sorely disappointed, not only in a monied point of view, but in other designs, and, through disappointed, not only in a monied point of view, but in other designs, and, through disappointment and chagrin, are doing their best to create another excitement by writing and publishing a great variety of base fabrications. Others, observing the success of some of the actors in late scenes, are anxious also to share in the disbursement of Government funds, and they too, here and elsewhere, are lending their aid to fan movements tending to weaken and degrade our Nation. However, it is presumable that our magnanimous Government will not soon forget the miserable lies about burnt libraries that were never touched, the intimidation of Judges, many of whom disgraced the bench with with their drunkenness, and who have ever ruled, done, and reported as they pleased, (even to the extent of holding bayonet courts) &c. &c., &c. All these things will soon pass away.
The army are resting in Camp Floyd. Captain, do you think they are on the high road to fame or promotion?
It may be possible that affairs in Texas, the emeute at Harper's Ferry, and the numerous phases of the darkey question will throw Utah somewhat in the shade during the present Congress. When will some learn, among accumulating difficulties of dark import, that it is not a time to turn a cold shoulder to firm and stedfast friends of our Constitution and Union, and that the readiest effectual method of solving the long puzzled over "Utah problem" is to promptly extend to us common courtesy and permit us to govern ourselves in the capacity of a State?
I take pleasure in informing you that it will be highly gratifying to me to forward, so far as I may be able, your wishes in regard to the West Point cadet appointment of your half brother, and will improve the opportunity of so advising our Delegate, the Hon. William H. Hooper, by the current mail.
Captain, when convenient we shall be highly pleased to have you call upon us again, but trust that it will not be in an official capacity under circumstances kindred with our former interview.
Your friends in Utah retain and speak of you in kind remembrance, among whom I rank,
Very Respectfully,
Yours, &c.,
Brigham Young