President's Office,
G. S. L. City, Dec. 7, 1859.
Pres. A. Calkin,
42 Islington Liverpool, England,
Dear Brother:--
I was gratified to learn, from yours of Oct. 15, of your pleasant visit in the States, your safe return, and the prosperous condition of affairs in your Presidency.
We continue the even tenor of our way, biding our time and the times, both of which plainly seem, we feel, to to be steadily and rather rapidly lighting up in favor of the triumph of truth. The army is quietly ensconced in Winter quarters in Camp Floyd; and the present cold weather tends to keep most people pretty closely about their homes. On the morning of the 6th inst. the thermometer stood at 22 below zero, which is 6 colder than any reliably recorded weather ever before experienced in this City, and it continues very cold.
Elders Hyde and Benson have lately returned from a visit to Cache valley, where they organized the different settlements; an account of their trip is published in the 'News.' They found the Settlements in that valley rapidly increasing in numbers and population, and were highly delighted with the facilities it affords.
The imported goods trade continues very dull, more, I presume, owing to scarcity of money than increase of financial wisdom or home manufactured articles; though our home supply and wisdom in the use of means are increasing in a degree quite encouraging, considering all circumstances.
The Legislative Assembly convenes on the 12th inst., and, so far as at present appears, Secretary Hartnett being absent in the States, the Members will have to provide stationary, furniture, fuel, &c. or do without. The rooms in the Social Hall for accommodating the Assembly, are furnished to the Government rent free, Gov. Cumming otherwise refusing to issue a proclamation to convene the Assembly in this City
Pres. Kimball has a building for an oil mill ready for shingling, and can finish the roof in a day, when the weather moderates. We have quite a quantity of flax seed ready for the mill, and when the people find that it can be worked up to advantage, there will be enough raised to supply the demand. Pres. Wells is making as good progress as the weather will permit towards completing the building, &c. for making nails from 3 to 12 penny inclusive. Thus you perceive we are persevering towards freeing ourselves, as rapidly and as far as possible, from the enormous tax and other draw backs incident to the extensive use of imported articles.
Br. Gibbons, husband of the Sister Gibbons mentioned in your letter, declines paying for her transportation and has already withdrawn half of the money he had deposited for that purpose, and wishes to get the remainder and the securities given, but is informed that he will have to wait until it is known what has been done, in your Office, in the matter. If she has not been forwarded, you will decline doing anything in that case.
In regard to the Box of Goods sent to me yearly, I wish the same course pursued that I directed last year, and that was to forward the money to our Agent in the States and let him purchase such articles as I might direct. I have not received any advices whether you forwarded the money to Bro. H.S. Eldredge last year or not. If you did not, please forward to our Delegate, Hon. W.H. Hooper a letter of credit for the amount together with the amount due for the present year. According to the yearly bills previously received the amount would be about $500 per year. If you did send the money last year, then send the sum due for the present year. I will forward Bro Hooper a bill of the goods I want purchased, together with advice that he will receive a letter of credit from you, for the money.
Upon the strength of a letter received by Dr. Wiseman that some Pound90.0.0 had been deposited in your Office to his credit, I have paid him $200 00/100, and he is very anxious to have the balance. I have waived paying any more until advised by you. Please inform me how much, if any, is deposited with you to the credit of Dr. Wiseman.
I am told that br. Widdeborg, of Copenhagen, is very anxious to come here, and I deem it advisable that he have the privilege. Upon receipt of this, advise Pres. Van Cott to at once proceed to make arrangements for br. Widdeborg and family to start for this place upon the first opportunity. He can then receive his Endowment, stay a year or so, or until it is thought best for him to return, when he can be more useful in that region than he even now is.
In regard to "parties previously ordered out," by the P. E. Fund, you will let the past go by, as you have done, and so far as able forward in accordance with a list which will be sent by the next mail. This advise does not, of course, include br. Bithall and family, for you state that you intend to forward them, which is right.
I have drawn upon you draft 151 for Pound5.0.0 favor of William Humphreys, at Messrs. Marshall & Co's., Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England; and 152, for Pound20.0.0, in favor of emigrating certain persons therein named, which Draft please find inclosed.
Praying, as ever, for your welfare and the triumph of truth,
I remain Your Brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young