1853 Letter to "Brother Chatterly"


1853 Letter to "Brother Chatterly"


Concerns samples of bolting cloth and an interest in purchasing the materials for two flour mills.




Brigham Young


Brother Chatterly


July, 1853


Great Salt Lake City


Business Matters

Item sets

G.S.L. City July [?th]

Bro Chatterly.

I have received from you several specimens of Wire Cloth designed to be used for bolting cloths     , & as I like the looks of it well, & have two flour mills in operation, if you have enough of it on hand to make a bolting cloth I wish you would send it to me by the first opportunity, if you have not I wish you to write to by the first Mail the different numbers calculated for bolting flour, & the place where they can be purchased, as I am anxious to procure bolting cloth of that description as soon as possible.

You sent me 8 Small pieces, three of them are numbered as follows.  No. 52. & 74.  there appears to be two Samples of No. 52. one of No. 40, three of No. 74 & one sample one number finer & one sample one Number coarser than 74.  An early answer will oblige.

Your Brother in the Gospel

(signed)    Brigham Young