1853 July 12 Letter to John M. Horner


1853 July 12 Letter to John M. Horner


Contains an update on the local harvest and emigration. Request for assistance in selling church and Emigrating Fund cattle and property in the California market.




Brigham Young


John M. Horner




Great Salt Lake City

Number of Pages




Item sets

Great Salt Lake City  July 12/53

Dear Brother Horner.

Since my last letter to you, of June 15, nothing of great moment has transpired in our midst.  Abundant prosperity at home and abroad still continues to bless our common efforts to roll on the great work of the last days, which is ever nearest to my feelings, & ever commands my best thoughts and feelings.

Our wheat harvest began on the 27th ultimo, & promises to be amply abundant for the supply of all our wants, & the wants of all who may come to share with us this season; and all our crops give cheering assurance of a bountiful yield for the supply of all those physical wants whose gratification, to a considerable extent, we have been compelled to forego for several years past.

It is reported from the East that our this season's immigration will number about 10.000, which will enable us fully to strengthen our weak settlements, & to commence others should wisdom require it.

By last California Mail, which arrived on the 8th inst.  I received a letter from Edwin D. Woolley, who was then at Carson Valley.  Bro. Woolley is in charge of 312 head of Church, & emigrating Fund Cattle, about 3000 of Flour, several good wagons, horses & mules, which were sent to California for Sale, most of the funds arising from which, I intend to apply to the n[missing] year's emigration from England, & other foreign Countries, and of course am desirous that the property should be disposed of to the best advantage the market will admit of.

I understand that cattle, flour &c[?]  are gotten in the California Market, & Bro Wooley expected some [?] of not [?] realize so large an advantage [?] anticipated, and I have [?] or nearly so, when he [?] himself of your acquaintance                

I hope you will afford him  [?]ment will permit;  Should the prospect of the market indicate [?] onn to the Cattle for a time [?] for as, and in that case we should           you  ample means will enable [loss]

If the above property [?] I wish you either to purchase it, [?] the same, either on your own account [?] that the expenses of  overseeing & selling [?] now in charge be free to return [?] a date is practicable.

We shall probably [?] to the California Market [?] be taken advantage of by the sudden fluctuation of that  [illegible] Market.
I therefore propose  [illegible]  with us in the Stock trade, and wish you to reflect upon the subject and inform me at your earliest convenience [?] suit you to do so, & whether [?] matter as our Agent, selling  [?] your own account, informing [illegible]  the case.

Praying for your Spiritual and Temporal welfare,
I Remain
Sincerely & Truly

Your Brother in the Gospel of Peace

Brigham Young