1860 March 8 Letter to Jacob Gates


1860 March 8 Letter to Jacob Gates


Missionaries should not burden members for money. As the military leaves Utah the moral atmosphere improves. Cache and Sanpete settlements are growing.




Brigham Young


Jacob Gates


1860 March 8


Great Salt Lake City
London, England


Missionary Work

Item sets


G.S.L. City, March 8, 1860

Elder Jacob Gates
35 Jewin Street, London, Cengland,

Dear Brother:-Your very welcome letter of Jan. 21 is at hand, and afforded me much gratification to learn of the safe arrival of yourself and fellow laborers in the field of your present duties. I doubt not your earnest desire and efforts to "honor your appointment and calling," and have great confidence that you and all who accompanied you will strive to fill your missions with honor to our God, to yourselves, and to the lasting benefit of all the honest in heart who may be blest with your ministrations.

I have every reason to presume that you realize, to a good degree, that you went forth to aid to your utmost in the salvation of the human family. But it may not be amiss for me to suggest that the Elders, and more particularly those sent from here, especially discard and discountenance covetousness. Do not beg; do not din and teaze the people for money. And wherever any have been cut off chiefly for non-payment of tithing, or for not contributing and donating so liberally as would please some, let them be rebaptised, if they wish to be. It would be well for all the Elders to ever bear in mind and practice that they are expected particularly to bless the people and aid them in every effort towards salvation, and not to pick their pockets, nor in any manner oppress them in the least.

Affairs in Utah remain pretty much as at your departure, except that the moral atmosphere, contaminated in /58, is constantly becoming clearer; and the most reliable rumors at present current indicate the removal, ere long, of most if not all the troops who are so uselessly and ingloriously rusting in Camp Floyd.

Cache and Sanpete valleys are fast filling up from other settlements, and throughout all the valleys, so far as I am informed, a spirit of peace and industry greatly predominate.

I inclose a letter to br. L.A. Bertrand, Paris, France, which I wish you to be so kind as to forward to him, having deemed this the surest method for its reaching destination. There being nothing of import, since my last requiring me to writ to br. Calkin by this mail, please inform him that I have drawn upon him draft No. 160, favor of William Lewis, Cardiff, Glamorganshire, Wales, for £8.0.0.

Your family are well, as also are the people generally. Praying for your welfare and that of all the Israel of our God and the honest in heart the world over, I remain, as ever,

Your Brother in the Gospel,


Brigham Young