1860 March 13 Letter to Henry Maiben


1860 March 13 Letter to Henry Maiben


Maiben is asked to return to Salt Lake and leave the leases he has maintained with another. Sister Jemima and her son will move in and maintain the house.




Brigham Young


Henry Maiben


1860 March 13


Great Salt Lake City
Provo, Utah County, U. T.


Business Matters

Item sets


G.S.L. City, March 13, 1860.

Elder Henry Maiben,
Provo, Utah Co., U.T.

Dear Brother:-I expect to need your services herewith me this season, and wish you to begin preparations for moving, sending down your things as you may have opportunity, so as to be all moved by about Conference time. I also wish sister Jemima and her son James to move into the house you now occupy, so soon as you have removed, and let her take charge of the house and the Block upon which it is situated, and let James right up the fence upon the Block, and if he thinks it needs more manure I presume he can get some from the threshing machine; and cultivate the block in the best manner he can. To enable him to do this I intend to furnish him a yoke of cattle and a wagon.

Be so kind as to read this letter to sister Jemima and James, that they may be making their calculations. If the lot sister Jemima now occupies can be rented before you leave, please attend to it, and have the lease in writing, also the leases of the other lots you have rented out, so that the business can be understandingly attended to by some other person.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young