1860 March 12 Letter to Benjamin F. Johnson


1860 March 12 Letter to Benjamin F. Johnson


The rate of tithing wheat to be delivered.




Brigham Young


Benjamin F. Johnson


1860 March 12


Great Salt Lake City
Santaquin, Utah County, U. T.



Item sets

G.S.L. City, March 12. 1860

Elder Benjamin F. Johnson,
Santaquin, Utah Co., U.T.

Dear Brother:-As you remark in your note of the 9th we have permitted some few to haul wheat from Sanpete on shares, and those shares have varied somewhat until lately, when, from further experience in the matter, we have deemed it about fair and equal all round to allow 5 bushels there, upon the delivery of 6 bushels here, or, in other words, deliver at the rate of 6/11 here and then be entitled to 5/11 there, in all cases the Church share to be delivered first. you are at
perfect liberty to haul wheat from Sanpete to the General Tithing Office in this City, at the above named rate. Upon the delivery of wheat here, you will call at this Office and get an order for the amount you are to draw on Sanpete.
In relation to the minor and other articles mentioned by you, you are aware that any course you may see most proper to take in relation thereto will be agreeable to me.

Your Brother in the Gospel.

Brigham Young