1853 July Letter to George Manypenny


1853 July Letter to George Manypenny


A response to a letter regarding a list of employees and new appointments, financial accounts and a notification of Edward A. Bedell replacing Jacob H. Holeman. Contains an update on Indian Affairs.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


George Manypenny




Great Salt Lake City, Utah Territory
Washington D.C.

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

Department Indian Affairs 

To George Manypenny 

Commissioner Indian Affairs 

Washington City D. C. 


Our monthly mail from the East which arrived on the 21st inst. brought from your office a circular dated June 2nd. requiring a list of employees in my Superintendency, and the appointment of competent persons, as farmers and mechanics.  also a Circular, dated June 6  [illegible] of accounts Commutation, disbursements &c.  also a letter dated June 6th notifying me of the appointment of Edward A.  Bedell in place of Jacob H. Holeman, the contents of all [?] which are duly noted, and the requirements and suggestions will be promptly and faithfully complied with as speedily as circumstances will permit. 

Major Holeman is at present on his way to Carson Valley, but may be back before Mr Bedell arrives. From the fact of there having  been no appropriations until lately, to defray any expenses by this Superintendency, the number of employees is very limited,  still as some of them lived<reside> quite a distance from this City [?] be able to furnish you the required list until my  [?] Report for the Quarter ending September 30th.  I hope you will [?] accompanying my Quarterly Report [?] I have spared no pains [?] requirements of your Department  [?] me, and according to my  [illegible] and the duties of your Office.  [illegible] or want of form  [illegible]  all complied with. 

On the 18th inst. the [?] Indians, some of the Utah Chiefs began [illegible]     
upon the settlements in Utah [illegible] Counties,  killing one man, and wound[ing] [illegible] and killing Cattle and Horses [illegible] do not as yet [illegible] and [destruction of] property [illegible] I have thus far acknowledged [illegible] using that conciliatory policy that [?] best, hoping that hostilities will soon [loss]  

I have the honor to be 

Most Respectfully 

Your Obt. Svt. 

Signed Brigham Young 

Governor, & Ex Officio Supt Indian Affairs
Utah Territory