1860 March 20 Letter to Dwight Eveleth


1860 March 20 Letter to Dwight Eveleth


Brigham received the press, type, etc and credited Eveleth's tithing. Other tithing credits are noted.




Brigham Young


Dwight Eveleth


1860 March 20


Great Salt Lake City
San Francisco, California



Item sets

G.S.L. City, March 20, 1860.

Elder Dwight Eveleth,
San Francisco, California,

Dear Brother:-Yours of Nov. 16 and Dec. 15 came safe to hand. The press, type, &c. as forwarded by you, arrived in very good condition, and the $42 is credited to you on your tithing, and the Mountaineer office notified to forward you their paper for one year. It is poorly worth while to be paying rent on broken files of old papers and on a composing stone and its table, and presume you have made or will make some disposition of them, at least in some manner to avoid paying rent.

The $100.00 tithing paid by br. M.A. Meeders, and forwarded by the hands of br's Bigler and Woodbury, was by them promptly paid into this Office, and placed to his credit on the Tithing Books.

Br. Shearman is employed on the eastern portion of the Cal. mail route to this City, and is now here on a visit. He will probably pay the $21.50 into this office in a few days, when that sum will be placed to your credit.

Affairs here are moving favorably to the cause and lovers of truth, and of course much to the chagrin of those who delight in the oppression of their fellow beings. Rumors are plenty in regard to the removal from Utah, ere long, of more or less of the troops, but no definite order as to time and number has yet transpired here.

Our past cool Winter is gradually merging into pleasant Spring weather, and in some localities the plows are turning over the soil, with fair indications of a season favorable to the labors of the agriculturist.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young