1860 March 20 Letter to Peter Maughan


1860 March 20 Letter to Peter Maughan


Permission is given to loan out tithing wheat.




Brigham Young


Peter Maughan


1860 March 20


Great Salt Lake City
Cache Valley, U. T.



G.S.L. City, March 20, 1860.

Elder Peter Maughan,
Cache Valley, U.T.,

Dear Brother:-Bishop William B. Preston has written to me wishing to borrow 300 bushels tithing wheat to loan to brethren destitute of seed. I do not know how much tithing wheat we now have in your Valley, nor the requisitions that may be made upon it, but whatever wheat can be spared for seed or bread, to those unable to procure it otherwise, you are at liberty to loan payable there next Fall with use, or at that time the same amount delivered here.

You will of course see that proper security is taken from those to whom you loan, and in addition we shall hold you responsible that the amounts loaned are returned here next Fall, or are then returned there with use, whichever we may prefer.

Please inform Bishop Preston that I have written to you, as above, in reply to his letter of the 17th inst., and placed the loaning of wheat in your Valley under your discretion oversight, and responsibility, your attention to which will oblige,

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young

P.S. It will be well to keep a sharp look out that you do not loan to those who wish wheat only to make a fit-out for Carson Valley, or some other like point.