1860 March 22 Letter to John R. Robbins


1860 March 22 Letter to John R. Robbins


Robbins is asked to aid in the purchase of a paper machine.




[Brigham Young]


John R. Robbins


1860 March 22


Great Salt Lake City


Financial Matters

Item sets


G.S.L. City, March 22. 1860.
Elder John R. Robbins,

Dear Brother:-As previously advised, you are aware that we are taking steps to procur a paper machine this season, which you doubtless realize is much needed here. Owing to the present scarcity of money, and the many calls upon us therefor, it is rather inconvenient to at once raise the amount required, and I much prefer not asking credit from those of whom we purchase, if it can be avoided. For these reasons I improve the opportunity for forwarding this letter by your son Charles, who starts to your assistance with tomorrow's mail, in hopes that you may have been so favored in your business arrangements as to be able, without serious inconvenience, to aid us in so useful an enterprise. Should you be able we doubt not you will assist us in this matter to the extent we may need, or as nearly thereto as you may find to be consistent.

Bro. William J. Silver will start from here, in about one week from date. to attend to purchasing the paper machine and to look after other business matters, and it is possible that he may meet you on the road. Lest this should happen, and we thereby lose the benefit of your aid, I should be pleased to have you so arrange the amount you may be able to furnish that our Delegate Hon. W.H. Hooper, will be authorized by you to pay it to br. Silver or his order. In such case, please advise br. Silver of said arrangement.

Affairs in Utah are moving favorably, though no order has yet transpired here as to when or how many of the troops will be removed.

Your son Charles will give you the details of the progression and condition of matters and things here.

Trusting that all needed blessings will ever attend you in every laudable effort, I remain,

Your Brother in the Gospel,