Great Salt Lake City, March 29th 1860.
Hon W.H. Hooper, M.C.,
Washington, D.C.,
Dear Brother:-The very welcome letters from yourself and Bro. Cannon, dated Feb. 27, came safe to hand on the 27th inst. I was pleased to learn that your health and spirits were "comparatively good," for you are in a region and position which makes it a rather difficult task to keep health and spirits in over a "comparatively good" condition.
Since my last, March 22d, Bro. H.S. Eldredge has concluded to go to the States this season, which supersedes the necessity for Bro. Silver's going, as bro. Horace has kindly proffered to attend to purchasing the Paper Machine, &c. This will doubtless be good news to you, for, aside from your direct connection in business matters, the sight of bro. Horace will have a tendency to enliven the vexatious and tiresome rotine of your duties. He expects to start from here on the 1st of April, and will use due diligence in crossing the plains. He will take the 60.$ forwarded by Geo. Chisholm, of Spanish Fork, to Dorathy Clark, Maples Mills, Fulton Co., Ill., Concerning which I have written to you; also the 15.$ forwarded by Geo. Stephens to Alice Wickham, a passenger by the first ship from Liverpool.
I presume your conclusions are very near the truth when you mention that Congress will probably take a recess about the 23d April, and adjourn sometime in June, which, with several important collateral causes, will probably prevent the transaction of much important business during the present session. This you cannot materially influence, and I do not know that it would be advisable to do so if you could. In either event, as I have for your encouragement already frequently stated, it only remains for you to operate to the best of your judgement, as we doubt not you have and do, and confidently trust results to the care of Him who controleth the beings and affairs of this earth to advance His glory and purposes. Take no thought as to want of confidence here in regard to your efforts, for there is no such a lack. We do not care one groat what they do, as the Lord will control the results. The only fear with us is that you will exert yourself too much, and borrow too much trouble. Do the best your judgement and health will consistantly permit, and fear not but that your labors will be correctly appreciated at home, let affairs move as they may. Borrow no trouble, by night or by day, as to the light in which your conduct may be viewed in Utah, for you must be aware that we pretty thoroughly realize that even an Angel Could not influence the powers with which you have to do, except so far as the Lord might overrule in His favor and countenance his efforts.
Should Congress adjourn as anticipated, I trust we will not be disappointed in enjoying each others society in July next.
As bro. George is with you, and not, so far as I am aware, in need of seperate detailed suggestions in his department, please inform him that I am much pleased and entirely satisfied with his operations and plans, as advised of in his letter of above named date; and that I commend his purpose not to start home until affairs are in proper train, so far as they are depending upon him, for he will then be able to reach here in ample time.
Bro. Joseph W. Young will go down in charge of the Ox train, which will start as soon as the snow in the mountains will permit, loaded with the flour bro. George & yourself suggested; and more, if we are timely advised of its being needed. It will be deposited at different points on the route, as I have previously advised you. Should further suggestions as to places of deposit or quantities occur to you, I wish bro. George to inform me in season.
Your family are well, and affairs remain as last advised.
Your Brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young