1860 April 12 Letter to William H. Hooper


1860 April 12 Letter to William H. Hooper


Hooper should continue writing whether Congress is productive or not. Details are discussed on Federal Bills, Legislation, Judicial recommendations, land warrants and the mail. Brigham has no fear that Utah will be taken over by Nevada.




Brigham Young


William H. Hooper


1860 April 12


Great Salt Lake City
Washington D. C.

Number of Pages



Financial Matters
General Conference

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City, U.T.
April 12th. 1860.

Hon. W.H. Hooper
Washington, D.C.

Dear Bro..-Your most welcome favors of March 6th and 12th came duly to hand, which were perused with interest and the contents found to be satisfactory, If you will permit me to except your fears that I will grow sick and weary of hearing the cry that Congress has done nothing yet for Utah, and your regrets at their tardy movements. Now the facts are that I am not at all disappointed nor sick of hearing about these matters, it is always a satisfaction to me to hear from you, even though you cannot inform us of any movement which would be beneficial to our Territory. Let me here remark that you have written more and kept us better posted during the few months you have been in Washington, than our former Delegate did in so many years. I am pleased with your course and I entertain no doubt but that you are doing all that any person could do under the circumstances. I don't expect Congress to do much to benefit Utah if they know it, and can help it. I have in a previous letter expressed my feelings to you upon this subject, all I wish to say further to you at present is, to remember the 13th commandment, "Fret not thy gizzard because of sinners."

I would have written to you last week but for the ill health of Bro. Carrington, who has been confined to his room for a week past, and the press of business consequent upon the convening of our half yearly Conference upon the 6th inst., which necessarily occupied much of my time and attention to the exclusion of other matters, I design to write to you weekly, and I hope that nothing will occur hereafter to interfere with this intention.

I will now refer to some items in your letter of the 6th Ult.

Your action relative to the Bills, for the donations of land, Indian Claims, Genoa, &c., is quite satisfactory and I hope that your anticipations relative to these matters may be fully realized. I cannot do anything that I know of to benefit the Salmon River claimants. The Legislature at its last session made an appropriation to cover the expenditure on the Provo Kanyon road, the road becoming the property of the Territory. I dont suppose that the Government will do anything about it, nor about the Bridger claim at present, and I don't care much about them, one way or another, just do as you think best. As regards the Paper machinery Bro. Horace will attend to that

The intelligence communicated in your letter of the 12th ult. concerning your interviews with the President and the probable removal of the present Judges. Removal of the greater portion of the Troops &c. was quite gratifying to myself and the Brethren. I think that the names mentioned in your letter will form a very acceptable judiciary to the citizens of our Territory. Should these appointments be made, with an honest man for Marshal, we may hope for a change in the District Courts of Utah.

I was really pleased to learn that Dr. Forney had acted as your friend and the friend of Utah, he will in no wise loose his reward. I cannot think that George Sirrine has acted in the manner stated in your letter, I think there must be a mistake somewhere, the one eyed enemy has taken some advantage of him which I presume will all be made clear when the Doctor arrives here.

We learned by the last mail of the death of Hartnett at St Louis, which leaves the Secretaryship vacant, I presume that the Governor will recommend some one to fill the vacancy who it will be I know not, nor do I think that suggestions from us would further our interests one particle.

As regards the Post Office, Morrell has gone to California, it is said on private business, and has left the Office in the charge of old Gilberts son, an impertinent young jackanapes whose conduct is very offensive to our citizens. A change is certainly much needed.

The poney express arrived here on the 9th inst. at 6 P.M. just 6 days from St Joseph Mo. bringing Washington despatches up to the 3rd. but we received no news of any importance; by a communication to the Missouri Republican from Washington we have an insight into the Territorial policy purposed to be presented to the Senate, by its committee on Territories. We entertain no fears that Utah will be obliterated, and Nevada take its place, nor do we anticipate going to Carson to hold the next Legislature. The absurdity of such propositions are too apparent to be entertained, much less acted upon, by any sensible body of men, even though it be the prejudiced senate of the United States, whose stomachs are so exceedingly qualmish on the subject of Polygamy.

Our Semi annual Conference commenced on Thursday last and continued till over sunday, it was very largely attended, an excellent feeling pervaded the assembly, the Elders were full of the spirit of testimony, which greatly comforted the Saints. You will see the minutes published in full in the "Deseret News."

You will learn by the "News" and "Mountaineer" the particulars of the high handed course recently pursued by our Chief Justice (?) D.P. Eckels in releasing prisoners from the Penitentiary whither they had been sentenced by the Probate Court of this County for Crimes, principally stealing, of which they had been found guilty by a jury of their xxxxx peers. In addition to this, I understand that quite recently in the case of some persons arrested for stealing by the Sheriff of Cedar County, he not only released the thieves but actually fined the Sheriff for arresting them. This however only shows another specimen of Federal Justice in Utah.

I would like you to ascertain at the proper department, if it would be possible for you or such other persons as you might name, in case that Land warrants were deposited for that purpose, to obtain leave to locate such warrants upon land which at Deer Creek, LeBonte, Horse Shoe Creek, or any other places that might be selected, previous to such land coming into market, the Government guaranteeing unmolested possession of said land to the persons so locating against all Indian Reservations, Military Reservations, &c. please inform me at your earliest convenience.

There is no news of interest stirring here -- peace and good feeling prevail in the community.

Our Farmers are busily engaged in ploughing and putting in their spring crops. The weather is pleasant and favorable to farming and gardening operations. The winter has been somewhat severe upon our fruit trees [-] and it is feared by many that a great many of our Peach trees are killed, hence the Peach crops will be small.

My health has been very good during the winter, in fact better than it has been any winter for several years. Bro Kimball has been quite sick for about three weeks, past, but is now getting better

Bro Wells has also been afflicted during the winter; previous to the adjournment of the Legislature in January he was attacked with a swelling in his throat, of which he had scarcely recovered, when he was taken down with inflamatory rheumatism, from the effects of which he has not yet entirely recovered, he was suffered very severely, but I am happy to say that he is now improving daily.

Bro Geo A. Smith, who has been confined to his house for some length of time by a sprained ankle, is getting better slowly.

I do not think of any thing more to write at this time, but I pray God to bless you with His holy Spirit and enable you to discharge the various and responsible duties which devolve upon you from day to day to the advantage and entire satisfaction of yourself and those whom you represent before the nation.

Truly your Friend and Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young