1860 April 26 Letter to William H. Hooper


1860 April 26 Letter to William H. Hooper


Judge Black spoke against a proposed bill criminalizing polygamy. The ox train and missionaries left for the States. Details are given on government reimbursements and debts.




Brigham Young


William H. Hooper


1860 April 26


Great Salt Lake City
Washington D. C.

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs
Financial Matters
Missionary Work

Item sets

G.S.L. City, April 26, 1860.

Hon. W.H. Hooper, M.C.,
Washington D.C.,

Dear Brother:-

Very welcome and interesting letters from yourself and br. George Q., March 27 and 26, are before me, and I am highly gratified with the information derived from their perusal. I also learn, from report of the House doings on the 5th inst., that they succeeded in passing the Bill reported by Mr. Nelson of Tennessee. Well, one might be disposed to ask, what of it?

Chiefly the clear manifestation, in the sayings and conduct during its passage, that the Lord guided the affair as seemed to Him proper, and what can they do about it? In the deplorable ignorance and fierce deadly prejudice manifested in the debate upon said Bill, so far as at hand, the disposition of the enemies of truth is quite fully portrayed; and with such dispositions it is not to be wondered at that they are full of anger in not being able to exterminate us, nor so much as to materially annoy us. By way of joke, I advised you on the 19th inst. to "fret not thyself because of sinners", our only fear being that you will labor too hard for your strength. We wish you to live long on the earth, and do much good. We know your extreme anxiety to accomplish a great deal in Washington, and our only fear is that you will labor too hard.

The wicked are not able to succeed in their devices and operations against the truth, wherefore they are full of wrath and bitterness, which is only what you foreknew, and should be no ground of 'fear' or 'worry' to you in the least. You have seen that the House voted down the Jefferson-Nevada and Branch's projects with overwhelming majorities, and refused to entertain Logan's, therefore take courage and be of good cheer, as one knowing that our God controls the results of the acts of the children of men.

I am pleased to learn that Judge Black is able to discern the injustice and illegality of the course of the House in relation to Utah, and that he has sufficient frankness and integrity to speak his feelings in opposition to such violent [word cut off in typescript] prejudice as prevails against us in Washington.

The withdrawn troops are to march on the 10th, 15th, and 20th May, roads and weather permitting; if not, as soon as possible thereafter

You have not written a word here nor done a thing there, so far as we know, but what is highly acceptable, in the fullest sense of that expression, and we pray for you continually. We shall be very happy to hear that Congress has adjourned, and to see you here that we may have opportunity to talk a great deal.

Please accept my thanks for your prompt and very gratifying attention to the payment of indebtedness in the States. I trust that the "one or two notes" outstanding at your writing are ere this in your possession, as also those previously paid.

The report of the Military Com. and accompanying Bill to reimburse Utah for expenses incurred in the suppression of Indian Hostilities in 1853, are at hand, and, all things considered, are tolerably fair, if they will pass the bill and promptly pay even that portion of our just claims in the case.

The ox train for Florence, with 20,000 of flour for our immigration, started to-day. The majority of the Missionaries accompany that train, passage free. The remainder will start soon after the 1st of May, as br's Lyman, Rich, and a few others preferred going with mule teams.

The 'News' and 'Mountaineer' will furnish current records of transpiring events

The weather is very pleasant, and farming and gardening are vigorously prosecuted under very favorable prospects, though I apprehend that the severe cold of last winter killed the fruit buds on our peach trees.

Please write each week, if only to inform me of your health and feelings Your family and friends are all well. May God bless you.

Your Brother in the Gospel


Brigham Young

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