1860 April 30 Letter to Warren S. Snow


1860 April 30 Letter to Warren S. Snow


Counsel on the excommunication and legal actions concerning a woman who had an extramarital affair.




Brigham Young


Warren S. Snow


1860 April 30


Great Salt Lake City


Church Discipline
Legal Matters

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City,
April 30th 1860.

Bishop Warren S. Snow,
Manti, Sanpete Co., U.T.

Dear Brother:--

Yours of the 27th inst. is at hand, and I improve the opportunity to forward a reply by hands of Bishop W.S. Seely. In relation to the affair at Mount Pleasant; Bishop Seely informs me that the woman has been cut off from the Church, which is right so far, and I do not know of any other course than to submit her case to the law of the land. Should Judge Eckles take any action in the case, it would probably be to cite the woman to Camp Floyd, where it is supposeable that she would find more congenial society. If there are circumstances sufficiently mitigating to render prompt proceedings, that might be interrupted as above, too rigid, an examination can be held by a magistrate and, if the proof and circumstances warrant, she can be bound over for trial at a term of the Probate Court to be held subsequent to said Judge's departure, which is said to be contemplated on or about the middle of May. It is possible that she may have been laboring under uncontrolable mental derangement at the time, and afterwards had not better judgement, through fear or some other cause, than to make the conflicting statements she did.

I approve of your plan to have men enough on the alert in guarding stock, other descriptions of property, &c., to prevent the commission of depradations and outrages.

Pres Well's health is now tolerably good, and Pres. Kimball was outside his house a short time on Friday last and yesterday.

Affairs here remain as when you were last advised.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young