1860 May 1 Letter to Joseph W. Young


1860 May 1 Letter to Joseph W. Young


Money is sent to be forwarded to Horace Eldredge for the payment of bills in the States.




Brigham Young


Joseph W. Young


1860 May 1


Great Salt Lake City
En route for Florence


Financial Matters

Item sets

G.S.L. City, May 1, 1860.

Elder Joseph W. Young
En route for Florence,

Dear Brother:-

Elders Lyman and Rich, and the balance of the missionaries, start to day, and I forward to you, by br. A. Lyman, eight hundred dollars to be by you delivered or forwarded to br. H.S. Eldredge.

You are well aware that money is very scarce with us at present, and that we have been and are straining every nerve to forward means to br. Horace, to enable him, if possible, to pay all bills at the time of purchase, or at least to incur the smallest possible amount of indebtedness in the States. For these reasons, as I have already informed you, I wish you to practice the most rigid economy in the use of money on the road and at Florence, as you will probably not need any money on your return.

Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young

P.S. If the money now forwarded reaches you before Bishop Woolley leaves your company, I wish you to forward it by him to br. Horace, together with every cent you think you can spare from the amount you took with you. If Bishop Woolley has gone on, then forward, as above specified, by br. Amasa Lyman.