1860 May 9 Letter to James G. Willey


1860 May 9 Letter to James G. Willey


A request to appear as a witness in a lawsuit against Brigham.




Brigham Young


James G. Willey


1860 May 9


Great Salt Lake City
Cache Valley


Legal Matters

Item sets

President's Office,
Great Salt Lake City

May 9th. 1860.

Elder Jas. G. Willey,
Cache Valley,

Dear Brother:--
On the receipt of this letter I wish you to start immediately for this City, and, if you can, be here on the 15th of this month..

You will be required as a witness in a law suit entered against me in Florence by a person called John A. Ahmanson, a Danishman, who came through in your company from Liverpool to this place in 1856. He states that I engaged and employed him to work from Liverpool to Utah; for which he claims $300.00; and he further states that I had $900.00 worth of clothing &c. belonging to him. You know that all this is false -- indeed the man is utterly unknown to me --; and as depositions will be taken in this City on the 15th. inst. and following days, you will please be here to give your evidence.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young