1860 May 10 Letter to Samuel A. Woolley


1860 May 10 Letter to Samuel A. Woolley


The Bucket Factory should remain in Parowan. If Woolley prefers to leave he may find a suitable replacement.




Brigham Young


Samuel A. Woolley


1860 May 10


Great Salt Lake City
Parowan, Iron County, U. T.


Business Matters

Item sets


G.S.L. City, May 10, 1860.

Elder Samuel A. Woolley,
Parowan, Iron Co., U.T.,

Dear Brother:

Yours of April 26 is at hand, and, all things considered, I have deemed it best, at least for, the present, to continue the Bucket Factory where it is. Air seasoned are so much better than kiln dried staves, that I wish, as soon as may be, a large quantity of staves kept on hand, always carefully piled up under cover, enough, if possible, to supply the Factory with staves that have been seasoned under cover from two to three years before they are worked into ware.

I intend to have br. Davis, as soon as convenient, make the additional machinery necessary for making four sizes of wash tubs and two sizes of churns, and, perhaps, one or two more sizes of pails.

Should you prefer to leave the Factory for other business, you are at liberty so to do, so soon as you can find a competent, reliable, responsible, and energetic good man to take your place, otherwise I would be pleased to have you retain your present position, and can but think that, by assiduously attending to the
business, you will do well for yourself and community.

If you wish to move here before it is thought best to remove the machinery, if you will inform me in season, I will endeavor to send a proper person from here, if you do not find one in that region.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young