1860 May 10 Letter to Thomas J. T. Young


1860 May 10 Letter to Thomas J. T. Young


Brigham and Thomas J. T. Young exchange details on their shared family genealogy.




Brigham Young


Thomas J. T. Young


1860 May 10


Great Salt Lake City
Boston, Massachusetts

Number of Pages




Item sets

G.S.L. City, May 10. 1860.

Mr. Thomas J.T. Young,
Boston, Mass.

Dear Sir:-
I regret my inability to furnish you with the dates you request, in your note of 9th of April last; they are not in my possession, nor within my reach, that I am aware of, short of the State in which you reside.

My grandfather on my father's side, Joseph Young, was a physician and surgeon in the "old French war." He married a widow named Betsey Tredway, maiden name Hayden, by whom he had three sons and two or three daughters. He was accidentally killed by a heavy fence pole's falling upon him, which happened, according to the best information I have upon the subject, in the year 1769.

My Uncle Joseph Hayden Young, I have been told, went to Nova Scotia, when some 14 or 15 years old. We have not been able to learn much about him, except that he is said to have raised a large family, and you will much oblige me if you will be so kind as to furnish me the names of his children, the dates and places of their births, also of deaths if any, the present localities and occupations of those now living, and such other family items of general interest as it might please you to favor me with.  My father John had six sons, all alive, five of them living here, and six daughters, only one of whom is living.

I shall be happy to receive and respond to further communications from you upon these subjects.

I am informed that my grandfather died in Hopkinton, and should your genealogical researches in Hopkinton and Holliston, Middlesex Co. and in Salisbury, Essex Co., or in other localities in Massachusettes, acquaint you with the dates and places of the births and deaths of grandfather Joseph and grandmother Betsey,

Your communicating them to me will be highly esteemed by

Very Respectfully,

Brigham Young