1860 July 5 Letter to Samuel A. Woolley


1860 July 5 Letter to Samuel A. Woolley


A request to store machinery and return to Salt Lake. Rd Benson will care for the machinery and would like to trade Woolley for his property.




Brigham Young


Samuel A. Woolley


1860 July 5


Great Salt Lake City
Parowan, Iron County


Business Matters

Item sets

Great Salt Lake City, U.T.
July 5 1860.

Elder Samuel A. Woolley
Parowan, Iron Co.,

Dear bro:-- Doubtless it will be gratifying to your feelings to return to this city, or neighborhood, nearer the majority of your old acquaintances, and it is equally gratifying to me to be able to say that I wish you to take down with care the machinery of the Pail factory, and having oiled every part thereof, securely box it up in dry boxes and leave them, together with all the lumber, in charge of bro Rd Benson, who said to me this morning that he would aid you in boxing the machinery & would take charge of it till we haul it away, which we shall do the first opportunity.

I shall be pleased also if you can make a trade with him for the small house and lot

The celebration of the 4th July took place yesterday with more than ordinary good feelings; a remarkable contrast with our position two years ago-- slowly but surely the enemy has yielded
the ground, in favor of the saints possessing their mountain home.

The health of the people is good. Crops look well, and the weather is beautifully fine.

Hoping you are enjoying good health and vigor, with the ever instructing influences of the Spirit of our holy religion,

I remain your friend & brother,

Brigham Young