1860 July 12 Letter to A. G. Boon


1860 July 12 Letter to A. G. Boon


Although William Empy claims that he already paid the bill the amount will be forwarded in good faith.




Brigham Young


A. G. Boon


1860 July 12


Great Salt Lake City
Westport, Mo.

Number of Pages



Financial Matters
Business Matters

Item sets

G.S.L. City, July 12, 1860.

Mr. A.G. Boon,
Westport, Mo.,

Sir:-Yours of May 28, written on the back of one written to you by Wm. Empy, April 22, is at hand. I was not a little surprised at Mr. Empy's statement that "he acted as Agent for the Church, as Gen'l H.S. Eldredge was then our Agent in the States. I have not seen Mr. Empy, to ask an explanation, he still living some 80 miles north of this City. He was not an Agent for the Church but I presume was appointed in Liverpool to act as Agent for some company emigrating from there to the States, and may have, through lack of understanding, construed that appointment as constituting him a Church Agent. But this is not very material, and I merely mention it that you may understand that our Church Agents, so far as we know, invariably transact business with accuracy and promptness.

Both yourself and Mr. Empy appear very certain that your statements are correct; you, that Mr. Empy did not pay you for the cask of chains; and he, that he did pay you for it. With me it is probable that yourself, clerks, and books may be more apt to be right than Mr. Empy alone, especially when he was so hurried and fatigued. With this consideration, and without waiting to again write to or see Mr. Empy, I take pleasure in informing you that the amount of your bill, as forwarded, for $49.20/100, will be transmitted to you by the first responsible opportunity; or, should you prefer it to waiting for such opportunity, to your order on me in favor of any person doing business in this City; said order to contain a receipt in full for the bill in question.

Should you draw upon me as above, I hope you will be careful to draw upon some one who will, without fail, pay over the money to you.


Brigham Young