1860 July 17 Letter to Silas Smith and Provo Brethren


1860 July 17 Letter to Silas Smith and Provo Brethren


William Miller was ordained Presiding Bishop in Provo. All church papers, accounts and property should be turned over to him.




Brigham Young


Silas Smith
Provo Brethren


1860 July 17


Great Salt Lake City
Provo, U. T.

Number of Pages



Church Leadership

Item sets

G.S.L. City, July 17, 1860.

Elder Silas Smith and the
Brethren in Provo, Utah Co., U.T.,

Dear Brethren:-In reflecting upon the interests of the Church in which we are fellow laborers, it has seemed good unto us to appoint, set-apart, and ordain br William Miller to be the Presiding Bishop in Provo City, Utah Co., Territory of Utah, to which office he has this day, July 17, been ordained under the hands of Presidents Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball and Elder Albert Carrington, President Young being mouth. We trust that you will receive Bishop Miller in the like faith and good feeling in which he has been appointed and ordained, and that you are ready and willing to cheerfully sustain him with your faith, prayers and works, and hope that in so doing you will be mutually satisfied with and beneficial to each other. Bishop Miller has selected Presidents B. Young and H.C. Kimball for his councillors.

Br. Silas Smith:-- We wish you, so soon as Bishop William Miller reports himself to you as ready to enter upon the duties of his Bishopric, to deliver and turn over to him all books papers, accounts, and every thing pertaining thereto, also all houses lands, horses, cattle, grain and all and everything that is church property in your possession or care.

Brethren The time will probably come when it will be well to appoint a President in your place, but we do not deem it best to do so at present; meanwhile br. Miller will act in the capacity of President.

That you, with all who love the truth, may unitedly labor with your mights to build up and establish the Kingdom of our God on the earth, you ever have the prayers of

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young

P.S. Br. Silas:-- Please read this letter, or cause it to be
read to the Saints when assembled.

B. Y.