1860 July 20 Letter to Silas Smith


1860 July 20 Letter to Silas Smith


A request to settle the Provo account in the General Tithing Office.




Brigham Young


Silas Smith


1860 July 20


Great Salt Lake City



Item sets


Great Salt Lake City

July 20th, 1860.
Bishop Silas Smith,

Dear Brother:
Before handing over the books and papers belonging to your office, to brother Miller, you will please call and settle your account with the General Tithing Office.

To enable you to do so, it will be necessary to bring the following statements

A list of all the tithing received by you this year, stating from
whom received.

A list of all property received on all other accounts otherwise than tithing, stating from whom, and on what account. A list of property loaned, and to whom. A list of disbursements since last settlement. Agreeable to my previous instructions, you will turn over all the Church property in your possession to brother Miller, your successor in office, and make out two lists of the same, one of which you will give him, the other bring with you, having brother Miller's receipt thereon.

Your Bro. in the Gospel

Brigham Young