1860 July 25 Letter to Alva Nichols


1860 July 25 Letter to Alva Nichols


Dr Forney left without furnishing the promised supplies to the Natives. Supplies should be given through donations and tithing.




Brigham Young


Alva Nichols


1860 July 25


Great Salt Lake City
Box Elder, B. E. County U. T.


Indian Affairs

Item sets

G.S.L. City, July 25, 1860.

Bishop Alva Nichols,
Box Elder, B.E. County, U.T.,

Dear Brother:-I understand that some of the Indians whom Dr. Forney, late Superintendent, had gathered to your neighborhood under promise of presents, &c., but who left previous to their arrival, without having made any arrangements for their reception, are somewhat displeased with the conduct of the Superintendent, and may, in consequence, undertake retaliation upon some of the settlers or emigrants, or their property. To in some measure obviate the evils that may result from Dr. Forney's unwise course in not meeting his appointment and fulfilling his promises to the Natives, it is deemed best to furnish the Indians in your vicinity, those assembled as above stated, one beef creature and a proportionate amount of flour, which you are hereby authorized to do with tithing, to the extent voluntary donations may not be sufficient for the purpose.

The brethren at all the settlements should make donations, in proportion to their several abilities, to support the Indians to an amount sufficient to cut off plausible pretexts for stealing. This the brethren can better afford to do than to have their animals driven off, or their property and lives destroyed; and it really seems that they might discern the wisdom of such conduct. and not wait to trouble me about a matter that has been so often and so fully advised upon.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young