1860 August 2 Letter to Amasa Lyman, Charles C. Rich, Nathaniel V. Jones, Jacob Gates, et al.


1860 August 2 Letter to Amasa Lyman, Charles C. Rich, Nathaniel V. Jones, Jacob Gates, et al.


The Elders are learning to be fathers rather than masters to the people. One cannot serve two masters and must esteem the interests of his brother as his own. Converts should emigrate at the first opportunity. Accounting details are requested.




Brigham Young


Amasa Lyman


1860 August 2


Great Salt Lake City
Liverpool, England

Number of Pages



Missionary Work
Financial Matters

Item sets

G.S.L. City, August 2, 1860

Elders A. Lyman, C.C. Rich, N.V. Jones, Jacob Gates and the Saints in the British Isles,
Liverpool, England,

Dear Brethren:-
We rejoice with you in the cheering reports of the healthy and prosperous condition, in your field of labor, of the great work in which we are engaged. It is a source of consolation and encouragement that the Elders are steadily improving in understanding and putting in practice the principle of being fathers to the people, rather than masters; and are improving in wisely counseling and instructing them in their temporal affairs, rather than oppressing them to pamper the unwise and unwarranted expenditure of the hard earned means of the unemigrated poor to gratify extravagance and vain desires. In your field, as here and elswhere, the number who "seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness" is fast increasing, and they are sensibly realizing the enjoyment attending a course so pleasant, easy and wise.

In our time, as in all past and future, experience has proved and will continue to prove that we cannot "serve two masters", and that only the yoke of one is easy, and His burden light. As obedience to every saving requirement prevails, so will the Saints clearly discern the folly of endeavoring at the same time to walk as children of the world and as children of light; each will esteem the interests of his brother as his own, and each will strive to build up, comfort, and encourage all in the faith of the everlasting gospel. In observance of this principle, since peace, through the overruling providences of our God, is again ours, is causing the honest in heart to gather home to Zion in increasing numbers. This alone proves that the Saints abroad are comprehending that emigration should directly follow faith, repentance, baptism, the laying on of hands, and tithing, so soon as the way consistently opens; and we doubt not that the great majority are becoming satisfied that tarrying beyond that period is encountering serious risk of never emigrating, or, if so, of emigrating to a comparative disadvantage. In this remark we do not wish to be understood as advising unwise or precipitate movements, but that emigrating, upon the first feasible opportunity, directly follows obedience to the first principles of the gospel we have embraced.

During my late visit to the settlements in Cache Valley and those intermediate, in company with bro's Kimball and Wells, and several others, it was cheering to witness the industry and energy displayed in rapidly making and strengthening so many new settlements and improving the older ones, and to observe the unanimity and brotherly kindness pervading all to an extent not to be found outside our burdens. And the rich products of the Earth, so bountifully prolific in fields and gardens, afford grateful evidence that the Lord is graciously bestowing the increase. In several localities an abundant wheat harvest is nearly secured, and new wheat is being taken to the mills.

Faith, union, peace, and prosperity, through the blessings of our God, are increasing throughout all the settlements in Utah, and the influence thereof is gladdening all Saints through out the world, so far as they live the religion we profess and enjoy its Spirit.

The 'News' and 'Mountaineer', which we presume you receive, will furnish the details of transpiring events.

Br N.V. Jones' letter, May 25, informs me that the Liverpool Office had closed the accounts of Truman O. Angel, E.T. Benson, Jno Kay, John Scott, R. F. Neslin, Daniel Davis, Jesse B. Martin, and Henry W. Miller, and charged the balances to the Trustee in Trust; please forward copies, in detail, of your a/cs with the aforesaid brethren, that we may be able to correctly adjust the matter h[-]

Mrs. E. Brooks says that Mary Ann Webb paid into your Office £25.0.0, in Feb. last, to be sent to this office for her., Is it so?

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young