1860 September 5 Letter to Orson Hyde


1860 September 5 Letter to Orson Hyde


A request to file a lien on the property of Wilson Glenn before he sells and leaves the territory without paying his debts.




Brigham Young


Orson Hyde


1860 September 5


Great Salt Lake City
Manti, Sanpete County, U. T.

Item sets


G.S.L. City, Sep. 5, 1860.

Elder Orson Hyde,
Manti, Sanpete Co., U.T.,

Dear Brother:--
I take the liberty to inclose to you for collection a note drawn in my favor by R. Wilson Glenn, in the Spring of 1853, for $462 80/100 the interest is calculated to the 6th inst., which, with the principle, amounts to $597 85/100, as you will see by accompanying calculation and also by back of note.

If you do not wish to, or can not well, attend to it as my Attorney, I wish you to put the matter in the hands of some thorough, competent person, and instruct him to go at once to the Probate Court and get out an attachment for Glenn's property, as it is currently reported and believed that he is about to dispose of it with a view of leaving the Territory; after the attachment is served, judgement can be got, execution issued, and the property sold, should such steps be found necessary to insure collection. If Glenn pleads a joint note, you, or whoever attends to this matter, will be easily able to prove, by witnesses in Manti, that Glenn assumed the payment of the whole note, and had the property for which the note was given.

It will be necessary to watch Glenn closely from the word go, lest he put his property out of his hands, for he is in debt head over heels.

Any affidavits that may be necessary in the case, such as to get out the attachment, or otherwise, you will have authority to make, as my lawfully appointed Attorney.

Your prompt attention to this matter will much oblige,

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young