1860 September 6 Letter to James G. Willie


1860 September 6 Letter to James G. Willie


A request for Willie to give another deposition in regards to Ahmanson vs Young.




Brigham Young


James G. Willie
[James Willey]


1860 September 6


Great Salt Lake City


Legal Matters

Great Salt Lake City

Sept. 6th 1860
Elder James G. Willie

Dear Brother:
Owing to as trifling informality in the manner of putting up and transmitting the Depositions, taken last May, in the cause John A. Ahmanson vs Brigham Young pending in one of the District Courts of Nebraska Territory, they have to be taken over again, on the 15th day of September.

I regret exceedingly that I am under the necessity of troubling you again in relation to this matter, particularly so at this busy season of the year, but your testimony is so important that I could not safely permit the cause to go to trial without it. You will therefore oblige me, and subserve the cause of right, by coming to this city, so as to be here on the 15th of this month, to give evidence as before, and we will endeavor not to detain you but a very short time, and compensate you for your trouble

Respectfully Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young

Similar note to the above sent to John A Hunt Grantsville, [written in different colored ink]

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