1860 September 27 Letter to Joseph E. Johnson


1860 September 27 Letter to Joseph E. Johnson


Brigham cannot currently commit to a team assisting Johnson next Spring. There is no need for an additional press in Utah.




Brigham Young


Joseph E. Johnson


1860 September 27


Great Salt Lake City
Wood River Center, Northwest Territories
Ellisdale, Iowa

Number of Pages



Overland Travel

Item sets

G.S.L. City, Sep. 27, 1860.

Mr. Joseph E. Johnson,
Wood River Center, N.T., or Ellisdale, Iowa:

Yours of August 20 is at hand, and I presume that matters in relation to E.S. will be all right.

You are moving in the right direction by making arrangements for coming here with your family next season, but I am not able at present to say whether you can depend upon any team help from here next spring. We now purpose sending an ox train from here again next Spring, this season's operations in that line having proved so successful, as far as we have heard, br. Joseph W. Young being expected to arrive on or about the 5th of Oct. but do not know whether there will be a surplus above the then pressing requirements. As to your bringing your press, there are now more presses here than are used, two now lying idle.

Our Delegate, Hon. W.H. Hooper, Elders Orson Pratt, Sen., Erastus Snow, and George Q. Cannon, with others, are now starting for the Frontiers, and, should they pass your way, will be able to inform you concerning affairs here; otherwise, suffice it to state that our harvest is plentiful, our enemies within our borders are steadily decreasing in number and power, and a good spirit is enjoyed by the people generally, as also good health, except some cases of summer complaint among children.

The companies have all arrived with the exception of the two with Captains Budge and Young; they are making good progress, and are expected here early in October.

Brigham Young