1860 November 19 Letter to Orson Hyde


1860 November 19 Letter to Orson Hyde


A bill of divorcement is sent for signatures. Hyde is asked to assist in the adjustments between Warren Snow and the Trustee in Trust.




Brigham Young


Orson Hyde


1860 November 19


1860 November 19


Domestic Dispute
Legal Matters
Business Matters

Item sets


G.S.L. City, Nov. 19, 1860.

Elder Orson Hyde,
Sanpete Co., U.T.

Dear Brother:-From the information contained in yours of the 12th inst., I coincide with your decision in the case between Bishop Bradly and his second wife Cynthia, and have instructed br. A.M. Musser, the bearer of this, to take a blank bill of divorce with him, fill it, and get the parties to sign it, but to not deliver their copies to them until br. Bradly pays him for the bill

Br. Musser is now on a visit to Sanpete under instructions, among other matters, to attend to the adjustment of Bishop Warren S. Snow's official business with the Trustee in Trust. I wish said business to be thoroughly, carefully, and fully gone through with and adjusted; and wish you to lend br. Musser such assistance as you can to enable him to effectually accomplish this object, extending such assistance without "fear, affection, or favor" to any party or person, in the most impartial and just manner possible.

Your attention to the above request will oblige,

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young