1860 December 4 Letter to Edward Hunter


1860 December 4 Letter to Edward Hunter


Salt Lake Wards are asked to provide tithing labor to repair the roads on North Temple Street.




Brigham Young


Edward Hunter


1860 December 4


Great Salt Lake City


Public Works

Item sets


G.S.L. City, Dec. 4, 1860.

To bishop Edward Hunter and the Bishops in Great Salt Lake City,

Dear Brethren:-You are aware that North Temple Street needs repairing, that to repair it properly will require quite an outlay of labor, and that this City has much to do with the funds at its disposal; for these reasons we desire you, at the very earliest practicable date, to be prepared to apply the labor tithing of your several Wards on said Street. The Street is subdivided by cross streets, and can readily be allotted to the several Wards in proportion to their relative labor tithing strength; and it is expected that each Ward will do itself the justice to faithfully execute the portion allotted to it, evincing a praiseworthy emulation in making a necessary public improvement in a creditable manner, that it may be both useful and ornamental.

When you are ready to begin work as above requested, you will be instructed upon the plan of the contemplated improvement.

So soon as the aforesaid job is completed to our satisfaction, we purpose donating its cost to this City.

Your prompt attention to this matter will accommodate the people in their wishes to pay labor tithing, materially aid in promoting much needed public improvement, and oblige,

Brigham Young