G.S.L. City, Dec. 27, 1860.
Elder Orson Pratt, Sen.
New York City, New York,
Dear Brother:-Your very welcome letter, written near Glenwood, Iowa, came to hand on the 22nd inst., and its contents afforded us much gratification. I was much pleased that yourself and company were so prospered on the plains, and that you on the route and at the frontiers, had been so industrious and spirited in the labors and duties of your mission, and had been so much blest therein; and that you may be instrumental and blest in doing much good while absent on your present mission, you constantly have my prayers and the prayers of the Saints.
Since your departure nothing has yet transpired requiring instructions additional to those you have, and that may from time to time be suggested to you by that Spirit which giveth liberally to all and is accessible to you in common with us; but should the spirit dictate any counsel, advice, or suggestions, they will be as freely imparted as they have been by you frankly solicited, without any dubiety as to their being faithfully carried out to the best of your ability under the circumstances in which you may be acting. Lawfully striving to save souls and otherwise do good in the Church and Kingdom of our God tend to cheer and buoy up the Spirits of an Elder in Israel, wherever, for the time, his lot is cast, as you have so often realized and, as I am pleased to know, are again realizing.
The Assembly is progressing with their characteristic unanimity, and have several bills and other matters under consideration; as yet the bill assigning the chief and associate Justices is the only one that has passed both Houses.
Mr Creighton, an Agent for the telegraph line across the continent, is in our City and has called upon me a few times, but as yet no definite arrangements have been entered into. If satisfactory arrangements are made, it is in contemplation to take the job of furnishing poles for some 250 miles east and the same distance west of this place, one half for stock and one half for cash. We feel considerably interested in this enterprise, and could readily wish that the wire was now in operation, that each evening we could learn the doings in Washington and South Carolina during the day past, and frequently converse with you and br. Erastus concerning your feelings and welfare.
On the 25th inst. I was blest with the privilege of convening my family-- wives, children, sons and daughters-in-law, and grand children -- with Pres. Kimball and Wells, and Bishops E.D. Woolley and L.D. Young, in my private school house just completed, and dedicating it to the Lord for the purposes for which it is designed. In the evening we occupied the school house with a party, who very pleasantly past the time until midnight in the enjoyment of music and the dance.
The new lattice bridge over Jordan will be completed in a few days, and promises to be a very creditable and durable structure. The new lattice bridge for Weber river, where the Territorial road crosses, will soon be being framed in my upper garden, where the Jordan bridge was framed, and it is anticipated will be completed during the winter.
Our winter thus far has been favorable for out-door operations, and several public improvements are being prosecuted quite vigorously, especially, just now, improvements for the main and side water sects and graveling the lowland portion of North Temple Street. A very passable and in some places excellent road has been opened by way of Big Canon, Parley's Park, and Silver Creek Canon to the coal bed on Grass Creek, and I am now burning Grass Creek coal in my offices and blacksmith shop, as is br. Wells in the nail factory, and several blacksmiths in their shops, but a recent heavy fall of snow in the mountains has somewhat checked the transportation of coal until the road is broken, though there has been but little snow to speak of in this valley until last night, when snow fell to a depth of some 8 to 10 inches, with weather still mild.
Should you meet with br. Erastus, please favor him with a perusal of this letter, as also such others of the brethren as you may choose; I am not certainly advised of the whereabouts of br Snow, and this letter may equally interest you both. So far as I know, your families and friends are well, and home affairs remain favorable to the cause in which we are engaged.
You are ever and particularly remembered in our prayer circle; and that you may be blest in your efforts to save <the> souls of men, to the utmost desire of your heart in righteousness, is the prayer of,
Your Brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young