1861 February 9 Letter to Rhoda Snell and Adelia S. Richards.


1861 February 9 Letter to Rhoda Snell and Adelia S. Richards.


The Relief Society in Spanish Fork donated an ox to the Perpetual Emigration Fund.




Brigham Young


Rhoad Snell
Adelia S. Richards.


1861 February 9


Great Salt Lake City
Spanish Fork


Perpetual Emigration Fund
The Relief Society

Item sets

G.S.L. City, Feb. 9, 1861.

Sisters Rhoda Snell and Adelia S. Richards,
President and Clerk of the Female Relief Society of the First Ward in Spanish Fork City,

Ladies:-I take pleasure in hereby acknowledging the receipt of an ox, by the hands of Cap. John F. Davis, donated by your Society to the Perpetual Emigrating Fund Company.

The ox will be valued and his value placed on the books to the credit of your Society as a donation; and that each one who has contributed to this donation may have due credit in the P.E. Fund books, will you be so kind as to forward to me, at your earliest convenience, the name of each contributor and opposite her name the amount she contributed, and oblige,

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young
Pres. P.E.F. Company.