1861 April 2 Letter to Dwight Eveleth


1861 April 2 Letter to Dwight Eveleth


Updates are given on tithing, payments and drafts. Colorado and Nevada boundaries are organized.




Brigham Young


Dwight Eveleth


1861 April 2


Great Salt Lake City
San Francisco, California

Number of Pages



Financial Matters

Item sets

G. S. L. City, April 2, 1861.

Elder Dwight Eveleth,
San Francisco, Cal.,

Dear Brother:-Your welcome favor of Feb. 2 is at hand, and its contents are noted.

I have paid Mrs. Betsy Whipple, of Provo, one hundred dollars, per your order of Nov. 23, 1860, which amount you are at liberty to apply on Moses Meeder's a/cs, whenever he applies to you for payments on the $500 borrowed by the "News" Office; and also the one hundred dollars you advise me you are ready to pay on your own tithing. Should Mr. Meeder have so far recovered from the spirit of murmuring and fault finding as to begin to realize how little he has done, with his large means, for the promotion of the kingdom of God on the earth, and wish to have the said $500 applied on his tithing, I would be pleased to have you inform me at your earliest convenience.

So far as I know, br. Nye has made no arrangements to work out a $100 on your a/c. Knowles declines paying the $50 you wished him to, on the ground that he thinks that in justice he ought not to pay it.

The telegrams from Fort Karney, by pony from there twice a week, keep us very timely and well advised upon general news in the States and from abroad; but as you also receive the same, it is unnecessary for me to enter into detail, further than to add that as late as march 25 there was no definite arrangement between the North and South.

We are much pleased that Colorado and Nevada are organized, with meridians 109 and 116 for boundaries between us, as this arrangement precludes the howlings, growlings, and other annoyances from our western neighbors. If they can not now regulate affairs to suit them, which of course they cannot, they have no one to blame but themselves.

Home affairs continue very promising, with favorable weather, and good prospects for excellent crops.

To accommodate br. J. M. Ide, as informed by you, on the 1st of Jan., 1861, I paid Sister Ide $200 and drew a draft on br. Ide, in favor of William S. Godbe, for said amount, which draft br.
Godbe indorsed to Redington & Co., Druggists, San Francisco, Cal., and it so happened that Redington & Co. as they have advised br. Godbe, incurred an expense of $12.50/100 in collecting said draft, and have credited br Godbe only $187 50/100, instead of $200. Now Redington & Co. may not have taken the cheapest and most prudent course in getting payment
on the draft, but I know of no way of helping that, unless br. Ide and Redington & Co. can arrange it between them. To me it is clear that in efforts to accommodate br. Ide, I ought not to be the loser, neither can I understand why br. Godbe should pay $200 in cash, and only get credit for $187 50/100. Of course you will at once understand that I deem it but right that br Ide at an early date see that br. Godbe is credited in Redington & Co's. books for $12.50/100, in addition to the $187 50/100 already credited, fixing the matter between himself and them as they may agree. I wish you at your earliest convenience, to call br. Ide's attention to this matter, not doubting but what he will readily and cheerfully make it all right, as above set forth.

Br. Hiram Blackwell informed informed me, yesterday, that you purposed paying us a visit this season, with your family. I trust that you will be able to do so, for we shall be much pleased to see you, and will endeavor to make your visit very beneficial to you, at least in matters pertaining to faith, and in correct knowledge of things relating to the advancement of the kingdom of God on earth, that you may have facilities for being still more useful as a co-laborer in the great cause of truth.

I am writing to br. W. M. Gibson by this mail, and, not knowing where in Cal, he may be on its arrival, I inclose his letter under cover to you, trusting that, if he is not with you, you will at once direct and forward it to him and oblige,

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young