"Exchange of Feeling and Sentiment Produces Mutual Confidence - Necessity of Cultivating a Childlike Spirit - Devotedness of the Saints in Utah Towards the Work of God - God Will Take Care of His Own Work, Etc." (June 28, 1857)
"Exchange of Feeling and Sentiment Produces Mutual Confidence - Necessity of Cultivating a Childlike Spirit - Devotedness of the Saints in Utah Towards the Work of God - God Will Take Care of His Own Work, Etc." (June 28, 1857)
Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. (Liverpool: F.D. Richards, et al., 1855-86) 4:367-374.
Remarks by President Brigham Young, Delivered in the Bowery, Great Salt Lake City, June 28, 1857.
Reported by J. V. Long.
Reported by J. V. Long.
Date (allowed formats: yyyy, yyyy/mm, yyyy/mm/dd)