1861 April 11 Letter to William H Hooper


1861 April 11 Letter to William H Hooper


Brigham counsels patience if Abraham Lincoln is unwilling to make appointments from within the State. A Power of Attorney was forwarded. General Conference was held.




Brigham Young


William H Hooper


1861 April 11


Great Salt Lake City
Washington City, D. C.

Number of Pages



Financial Matters
Legal Matters

Item sets

G. S. L. City, April 11, 1861.

Hon. W. H. Hooper, M. C.
Washington City, D. C.,

Dear Brother:--

Your very welcome letter of March 26th came to hand by pony on the 7th inst., which also brought State dates as late as the afternoon of the 1st inst; very good time from Fort Kearney through the deep snow that fell in the mountains during our equinoctial storm.

It was quite proper and correct to suggest to Mr Lincoln that our appointments belong to us, by every just construction of the spirit of the Constitution. But, should he be unwilling or unable to make our appointments from names you may present, as advised on the 28th ult., it will doubtless still be the best policy to patiently bide our time, for plausible pretexts against us would tend more than aught else to heal the present breach and unite them in a crusade to Utah, like the Irishman and his wife, who both pitched into the man who parted them when fighting.

As heretofore advised, both an order (by pony) and a power of Attorney (by mail) from our Territorial Treasurer, br. D. O. Calder, have been forwarded to you, to enable you to operate in securing the money appropriated to Utah for war expenses in 1853. Should Government be able and willing to pay that appropriation, or any considerable portion of it, it is probable they have already concluded to do so, or soon will; so also in case of inability or refusal to pay. In either case it is presumable that the appropriation for 1853 need not particularly interfere with your contemplated movements; and probably my claims against the Indian Department have ere this been acted upon or laid over. As heretofore advised, I have again particularly to request that you hold all monies you receive from Government on the appropriation for 1853 and on my claims, strictly subject to my orders, which include purchases you have been requested to make and authority given to br. Henry W. Lawrence to draw upon you when you have funds from either of the channels aforenamed.

Our Conference, on the 6 and 7th inst., was very numerously attended, and much good and pertinent instruction was given, as you will learn from the minutes printed in this week's "News"; and the honest in heart separated to their various pursuits with increased spiritual strength, and renewed determinations to be efficient co-workers in accomplishing the great work pertaining to the winding up scene, preparatory to the second coming of the Son of Man.

The strength of the equinoctial storm appears to have past, leaving the soil in excellent condition for the purposes of the agriculturist, though the weather, April like, is still changeable. Br. Hosea Stout's health is improving, though slowly; and br. Isaac Chase is still quite feeble; but generally your friends and the people are enjoying the great blessing, good health.

Br. Kimball has made over fifty gallons of excellent, pure flaxseed oil, which he is selling for $5 00/100 in cash, a gallon, or exchanging for flaxseed at the rate of half a gallon of oil for a bushel of seed. We think this will effectually stop the cash leak for imported linseed oil.

The great majority, if not all, of the people are so busily occupied in their several avocations that they have not time to waste in mischief, and we continue to be blest with peace and security.

Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young