1861 June 28 Letter to Andrew Moffitt


1861 June 28 Letter to Andrew Moffitt


Updates are given on church meetings and construction projects.




Brigham Young


Andrew Moffitt


1861 June 28


Great Salt Lake City
Manti, Santpete Co. U. T.


Building and Construction
Church Business

Item sets

G. S. L. City, June 28th. 1861.

Bishop Andrew Moffitt,
Manti, Sanpete Co., U. T.,

Dear Brother:-An opportunity to send a line direct to you by br. Bernard Snow, I gladly avail myself of it; not that there is any news of startling interest, further than you learn from the papers and otherwise, but that you may know that you are by no means forgotten.

I had so recently visited Sanpete, and the southern trip was so long, that I did not deem it best to either go or return that way, as it would have considerable added both to the length and labors of the journey, though I may, ere long, find opportunity to pay you a visit, which I shall be much pleased to do, whenever other duties will permit.

I learn, from various sources, that you are driving ahead very industriously and energetically, and as yet I have heard no complaint, all of which is very gratifying. No but that complaints will at times arise, but we have strong confidence that you will be blest with wisdom according to your day and duties, and be able to magnify your calling to the benefit of your brethren and the cause in which we are engaged.

On the 21st inst. I rode to Springville and, with br's Heber, George A., and others held a two days meeting there, returning on the 24th; and next Sunday I purpose preaching in Centreville. From this you will perceive that my health is very good, and my feelings are also good, my great anxiety being to do all I can toward establishing the kingdom of God on the earth, and bless and do good to all who love the truth.

We have commenced the erection of a theatre, 80 feet by 144. on the corner formerly owned by father Cahoon, and design having it inclosed previous to cold weather, so that the inside work can be prosecuted in rough weather. The Seventies Hall of Science is also successfully under way, and it is expected that it will be inclosed this Fall. We purpose uncovering the Temple foundation and raising its walls some 8 feet this season. These with numerous private improvements, and the labors in gardens, fields, and canons give ample employment to all who wish to labor.

Affairs are progressing peacefully and prosperously, and the health of your friends and the people generally is good.

Ever praying that you may be blest and prospered in every good word and work,

I remain,

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young
P. S. Please say to Sister Mary Ann Snow, wife of br. Warren S. Snow, that, as near as I can recollect, br. Warren told me that he would like his share of the toll rolls, for which reason I do not wish to have any thing to do with them.