G. S. L. City, July 9, 1861.
Pres. George Q. Cannon,
42 Islington, Liverpool, England,
Dear Brother:-Your welcome letter of May 31 came to hand on the 5th inst., and the business items were found correct and satisfactory, and are duly noted.
We were pleased to learn of your diligence and success in arrangements for printing our publications, and presume the balance sheet of comparitive expense will show in our favor. No doubt it would both materially assist and gratify you to have br.
Bull's services in the printing department, but he has been so much confined at that business, has had so little opportunity for experience in the legitimate calling of his priesthood, and, from your report, is doing so well in the ministr., that I deem it but right that he continue in the field, more especially as money can hire some one to measurably fill his place at the case or press, but not in preaching, counseling, baptizing, and aiding in the gathering of Israel.
I feel that you were blest, both in price and kind, in chartering ships for our emigration, a matter they should realize and appreciate, not simply in the increase of comfort, saving of money, and consequent escape of a larger number, but as another evidence that our God will hear and answer the prayers of His servants and open the way for the deliverance and salvation of His people, inasmuch as they strive to know and do His will. I trust that our emigration will so conduct themselves as not only to retain but increase the reputation for the "creditable character" they have gained. As mentioned by you, the number of our emigration has exceeded our expectations at the beginning of the year, but hope it falls much short of what it will be next year, which will prove to be so if the Saints at home and abroad move in the matter with the faith wisdom, and energy commensurate with their means and profession.
The releasing of a "large number of the native Elders who had families" will unquestionably prove beneficial to the work, as also to those released, so far as they are disposed to do right. The favorable condition of the mission is very cheering, and the cry "for more help" may this Fall be more or less responded to from here; in the meantime it remains for you to do as we are obliged to, make the best use you can of the facilities within your reach, which it is presumed you are doing in all faith and patience.
I was pleased to learn of the visit of br's Amasa and Charles to Ireland, and had the gratification to receive a ltter from br. Rich, dated in Belfast, May 31, by the same mail in which yours of same date came to hand, by which I was also advised of their being in Ireland, and that they were zealously engaged in the labors of their mission.
Since my return from my trip South, a brief sketch of which I wrote, June 13, to br's Amasa and Charles, and which I presume you have seen, in company with br's Heber, Woodruff, George A., and a few other brethren, I visited Springville and held a two days meeting there on the 22nd and 23 June; and on the 30th ult. br. Heber and I visited Centerville and held meeting in and dedicated their new meetinghouse. At both places the people apparently rejoiced in our visiting them, and we feel that our instructions will prove very beneficial to all the hearers who love the truth.
Should br. Hooper have received my last express letter in time to attend to the mail, you [gap in typescript] this reaches you, have received some thirty odd thousand dollars, which, like the tithing funds, I wish you to retain subject to my order. In case br. Hooper has not transferred the above amount, as advised, soon after being so informed I will endeavor to take steps to have the transfer made at the earliest practicable date, unless we find it necessary to retain it.
The Theatre, 80 X 144 ft, is now under rapid headway, and we expect to have the walls erected in about forty days from this date. When completed it will add another ornament to the beautifying of our City, another gratifying evidence of the industry and liberal feelings of this people, and, being designed to comfortably seat a large number of persons, can be very advantageously used for meetings, lectures, and other purposes. The period of haying and harvesting being upon us, with numerous other labors, work upon the Seventies Hall of Science cannot conveniently be prosecuted with rapidity until about the middle of August, when it is expected that the walls will rise and roof go on before rough weather interferes.
On the 8th inst. br. Howard began operations with the paper machine by grinding gunny bags for the pulp tub, to be made into boards, and is to inform me when he will be ready to start the machine, at which time I purpose again visiting it, and, from all appearances, expect to see it working to a charm. Material is all that we now seem to want for supplying ourselves with an abundance of every kind of paper will bestir themselves to furnish material to the extend required for our home supply of paper.
Your family and friends, also br. Amasa and Charles, so far as I know, and the people are generally enjoying good health, and so busily occupied that a loafer in our streets is a rare object.
May God bless you and all who labor for Zion and its truth is the prayer
Your Brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young