1861 July 23 Letter to Ezra T. Benson, et al.


1861 July 23 Letter to Ezra T. Benson, et al.


The Indians encamped near Cache Valley are not hostile. Counsel is given to gift them tithing grain and stock.


Indian Affairs


Brigham Young


Ezra T. Benson
Brethren of Cache County


1861 July 23


Great Salt Lake City
Cache County, U. T.

Number of Pages



Indian Affairs

Item sets

G. S. L. City, July 23, 1861

Elder Ezra T. Benson and the Brethren in Cache County,

Dear Brethren -- We have just received by the hands of Br. William Garr, your letter stating your position in regard to the Indians now encamped in your immediate vicinity. We apprehend no danger in regard to their hostility although they may commit some depredations upon your property unless they are closely watched; you will therefore have to keep a good look out for your stock.

These Indians are doubtless frightened by the Cheyennes and Crows which accounts for their coming this way in such large numbers, and this may keep them near our borders for some time, but you will at once perceive that it is for protection and not for hostile purposes, what they say in relation to the soldiers at Fort Bridger urging them on doubtless refers to something that may have been said a good while ago, they would not be here with their women and children if they intended to fight.

Your precautions are nevertheless very good but you must try and conciliate their feelings and do all you can to exercise a salutary influence over them, you are at liberty to use a portion of the tithing grain and stock for this purpose

If you could get a quantity of trade for them such as they need it would soon create a good feeling.

Brethren be patient and talk with them and continue to befriend them as much as you can and they will soon go away in peace.

Let the brethren who are encamped, guard the stock and be very where on the alert but do not threaten or seek to intimidate the Indians. Make some pretty substantial present to the Chiefs and you will secure their friendship and continued peaceful relations with the whole tribe.

Show forth your faith by your good works, putting your trust in God and, all is right. We trust that the thieves will take warning and continue to flee away.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young