1861 July 26 Letter to Amasa Lyman and Charles C. Rich


1861 July 26 Letter to Amasa Lyman and Charles C. Rich


Fort Floyd and Bridger sell property and destroy ammunition. Updates are given on the emigration, telegraph and conflict in the states.




Brigham Young


Charles C. Rich
Amasa Lyman


1861 July 26


Great Salt Lake City
Liverpool, England

Number of Pages




Item sets

G. S. L. City, July 26, 1861.

Presidents Amasa Lyman and Charles C. Rich,
42 Islington, Liverpool, England,

Dear Brethren:-Your welcome favor of June 17 is at hand, and the cheering news of the goodly condition of the work in the British Isles and of your continued zeal and industry in counseling and encouraging the Saints forwarding the great work of the gathering are encouraging and comforting to all your friends in the mountains, and will doubtless result in much good to the honest in heart throughout the extent of your labors, and beyond, as circles extend beyond circles in water, far from the point where the first small one originated.

A letter from br. H. W. Lawrence, dated in Florence, July 11, received by Pony on the 24th inst., informed us that all our this year's immigration was under way, that br. Hooper and family started on that day, and br. Henry was in hopes to soon again be here, probably intending to come through in the daily stage. Br. Joseph W. Young had previously advised us that he thought they would be able to clear Florence of all there wishing to come through this season, the teams sent there taking some 2000 persons besides all the freight sent for. This season's operations in sending teams to Florence have thus far been very prosperous, they have started back in good time, and we trust that the blessings of our God will continue to attend our immigration until their timely arrival here.

On the 16th inst., the officers in charge at the Camp Floyd began to sell off all the Government property there, buildings included, only reserving such articles as they would need on their march east, and destroying, by Department orders such guns and ammunition as they could not take-- a plain indication of the nature of the national feeling still existing toward us. Much of the flour sold at 52 cents a sack of 100 lb. in double sacks, bacon at 1 cent a pound, and other articles at like low rates. They soon sold out, and by tomorrow they are all to be on their way east.

To-day the Government sale commences at Fort Bridger, but I understand that the amounts of articles are very limited compared with those sold at Camp Floyd, except, perhaps, in wagons and old iron.

It is reported that within a short time past a few of the horse thieves in and around Ogden have bit the dust, while stealing from passing emigrants and others, but it is hardly to be expected that their comrades north and south will benefit by the warning of their fate.

Since writing the foregoing, I have received a letter from br. Wm. H. Hooper, dated at Wood River, July 16, from which I learn that he and his family had arrived there that day, in company with br's Judson Stoddard and H. W. Lawrence, and John B. Kimball, all in good health. Br. Milo Andrus and company passed through Wood River Center on the 15th inst., all in good health and doing well.

The people are very busily occupied in haying and harvesting, and are being blest with abundant crops of hay and grain; corn also looks well.

From our latest State dates, Washington and New York July 20, we learn that bitterness and fighting are on the increase, particularly in Missouri and Eastern Virginia.

The telegraph companies east and west are busily engaged in their operations, and expect to have telegraphic communication complete between Missouri and Sacramento by the 1st of December next, at the latest. Mr. Street, the Agent here for the western line, has just informed me that they have their line completed some 140 miles this side of Carson, and the poles are up from here beyond the Indian Ford on Jordan, and they are driving to unite the two ends at the earliest practicable date.

By this mail I also write to br. George Q., in reply to his favor of June 15.

The weather of this month has been and still is very warm, but the health of the people continues good, as is also that of your families, so far as I know.

Ever praying that all needed blessings may attend your efforts in building up the kingdom of God on the earth, I remain.

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young