G. S. L. City, July 26, 1861.
President George Q. Cannon,
42 Islington, Liverpool, England,
Dear Brother:-Your welcome favor of June 15 is at hand, and its perusal afforded much gratification.
I rejoice that so many made their escape from foreign lands and made their way to Florence, for br. Joseph W. Young to me, June 26, that they would be able to clear Florence of all there wishing to come through; and br. Henry W. Lawrence wrote, 11th inst., at Florence that all our immigration was under say, that br. Hooper and his family were to start that day, and that he hoped soon to greet us again in his mountain home. Joseph W. states that the teams sent from here would take some 2000 of the Saints, besides the freight sent for.
Camp Floyd sold out last week, buildings and all, except what they need on their march east, and were ordered to destroy what guns and ammunition they could not take -- a strong proof that the present Administration is no more friendly to the establishment of the kingdom of God on the earth, than have been its predecessors. The Camp is to be vacated to-morrow. Very low prices ruled at the sales, such as flour 52¢ a sack of 100 lb in double sacks, sugar 121/2 a pound, and so on. The sales at Fort Bridger begin to-day, but the chances for good bargains there will be more limited, as they have not such quanties to sell.
Mr. Street, Agent on telegraph line from here to Sacramento, just informed me that the party working this way from Carson have completed the line some 100 miles east of Fort Churchill. He has the poles up from here beyond the Indian Ford in Jordan toward Camp Floyd, and expects the wire for the eastern and western telegraph companies expect to be transmitting news across the Continent by the 1st December next, at the latest.
Latest State dates indicate increasing bitterness of feeling between the belligerent parties, and chronicle more fighting in Missouri and eastern Virginia, while, amid all this, some are still endeavoring to patch up matters, not seeming to be mindful that could they succeed the rent would eventually be made worse.
You are at liberty to use, at your discretion, the balance of the Missionary Fund money in your hands, in assisting the Elders to return when released from their fields of labor.
It is reported that a few horse thieves in Ogden and adjacent regions have lately been killed by emigrants and others upon whose property they were practicing their mode of making a living, and the indignation of the industrious and honest may still further cleanse the land of thieves, unless they take timely warning and leave for more congenial localities.
The hay and wheat harvests are turning out abundantly, corn looks well, and the people are very busy in their fields, and in making various public and private improvements.
I have drawn upon you draft No 196, £2.0.0, favor of Richard Snellgrove, Betterne, Southampton; No 197, £41.4.0 favor of George Cronyn, No 198, £2.9.5, favor of Wm. W. Cluff.
Though the weather is extremely warm and the brethren labor hard in the hot sun, still the health of the people generally is good, as is also that of your family and friends, so far as I am informed.
Since writing the foregoing I have received a letter from br. Hooper, dated in Wood River Center July 11, from which I learn that he and his family had arrived there that day in company with brs. Judson Stoddard and H. W. Lawrence and Jno B. Kimball all in good health. Br Milo Andrus, and company passed through that place on the 16 inst., all in good health and doing well.
In the same letter br. Hooper advises me that through br. N. V. Jones, he had remitted to you "$36,000 in sterling sill, at 7 3/8 or $4 76/100"; also that he has remitted $2000 to br. O. Pratt, to be by him remitted to you. As heretofore advised, I wish you to hold these funds strictly subject to my orders as also all Church funds.
Praying for your prosperity and welfare in every good word and work, I remain
Your Brother in the Gospel,
Brigham Young