1861 August 19 Letter to John Van Cott


1861 August 19 Letter to John Van Cott


Details are given on the emigration, Construction projects, the telegraph and church meetings. Camp Floyd and Bridger have sold property and destroyed ammunition.




Brigham Young


John Van Cott


1861 August 19


Great Salt Lake City
Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe

Number of Pages



Building and Construction

Item sets

G. S. L. City, Aug 19, 1861.

President John Van Cott,
Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe,

Dear Brother:-

Your welcome favor of July 3 came safe to hand, and was perused with much interest. While it encourages the Saints abroad to learn of our progress in Utah, it is also cheering to us to hear that they are striving for the enjoyment of that Spirit that leadeth unto life, and are laboring with their mights for their deliverance from Babylon.

Elders N. V. Jones, Jacob Gates, and C. V. Spencer arrived on the 15th inst., and report all our immigration as making good progress across the plains; all were this side of Wood River before the 1st of August, their cattle in good order and the brethren in good spirits. Captain David H. Cannon and Company arrived on the 16th inst., and immediately scattered from the camp ground among their acquaintances; and all the Companies are expected in before our October Conference.

The 200 and odd wagons sent from here last Spring are bringing, besides the freight sent for, some 1900 persons who were unable to purchase teams, &c., which, br. Joseph W. Young writes me, cleared Florence of all those wishing to com[word cut off]

We have heard that the tearing up rails and burning railroad bridges began near Hannibal the day after the last of our immigration passed over the track, and from all we have heard our immigration has this season been thus signally blest from the time they left their homes up to the latest dates of our hearing from them.

Camp Floyd has been sold at auction and vacated by the troops, they going east; the government property at Bridger, except what they took or destroyed, has also been sold at auction, and the troops have gone, except a Corporal's guard left at that place.

The property sold at both places went, generally, at very low rates, mostly to the brethren. By order of the Department at Washington, the troops burned and otherwise destroyed all the guns, powder and other munitions they could not take, bursting shells, throwing two mortars, they could not destroy, into a well, &c., thus plainly indicating the feelings still existing at the Capital toward us.

Since my return from my trip to our southern settlements, amid other duties, in company with Pres. Kimball, br George A. Smith, and a few other brethren, I have held meetings in Springville, Lehi, Centerville, Farmington, and Tooele City, and on the 7th and 8th of September I purpose holding a two-days meeting in Ogden City. In all these places the people received us gladly and paid good attention to our instructions, and we trust that our visits and counsels will tend to the advancement of the Kingdom of our God.

Our latest State dates, 15 inst., bring nothing of importance since the battle at Bull Run, except a fight near Carthage in the southwest part of MIssouri. Both the North and South seem to be resting and recruiting.

In Utah affairs are progressing peacefully and prosperously, our wheat and hay harvests being excellent and abundant, and corn, fruit, and other products promising rich returns.

The telegraph Companies east and west are busily occupied in endeavoring to connect overland telegraphic communication in this City on or before the 1st of

December, when, if not interrupted, we can hear from the outer world much more speedily than heretofore, or even than now by telegraph to Karney and pony from there.

The new building, 80 X 144 ft., on the Cahoon lot near the Social Hall, is progressing rapidly, with a view to inclosing it before rough weather; it is designed for lecturing in, theatrical performances, and other kindred purposes. Numerous other improvements for beautifying and rendering more useful and comfortable our mountain homes are being made, insomuch that laborers are in great demand, there being much more work to be done than there are hands to do it; our immigration will find dull employment, at least all of them who wish to aid in building up Zion.

The families of yourself and associate Elders from here are well, so far as I know, as are also the people generally.

Praying for your welfare, that of your associates in the ministry and of the Saints and hones in heart under your Presidency and throughout the world, I remain,

Your Brother in the Gospel,

Brigham Young