1861 August 21 Letter to John D. T. McAllister


1861 August 21 Letter to John D. T. McAllister


McAllister is to serve in the Presidency in the East. Brigham cautions the missionaries and requests tithing records. The emigration was successful.




Brigham Young


John D. T. McAllister


1861 August 21


Great Salt Lake City
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Number of Pages



Church Leadership
Missionary Work

Item sets

G. S. L. City, Aug. 21, 1861.

Pres. John D. T. McAllister,
416 George Street, Philadelphia, Pa.,

Dear Brother:-

Your welcome favor of July 29 is at hand, and I take pleasure in informing you that I cordially sanction your appointment, by Elders Pratt & Snow, to the Presidency of the Churches in the States east of the Rocky Mountains and in the British Provinces, and trust that you will be abundantly blest in the performance of all duties pertaining to so responsible a position. The din and confusion of the strife now convulsing the States will doubtless more or less interfere with meetings and preaching, but we hope that this will in no wise dampen your spirits, for their course is also rapidly advancing the interests of the great latter-day work.

Instructing the Elders from time to time in regard to preaching and meetings as circumstances may permit and the Spirit dictate, your chief duty will at present consist in cautioning all to be constantly on the alert for a safe retreat to the mountains, and to make every reasonable effort to gather to Utah at the earliest practicable date. The down trains this season have been so successful, up to latest dates, that it is fair to presume that the people will be encouraged to send to Florence a larger number of teams next year, should it be found necessary; and since they were able to bring from Florence all who were there wishing to come, it would seem to be no insurmountable task for all to get as far as Florence by the 1st of July next, in readiness to be transported to this place.

Elders Jones, Gates, and Spencer arrived on the 15th inst., and report all our immigration this side of Wood River before the 1st of August, and getting along admirably well, with the expectation of all arriving before the October Conference. Captain David H. Cannon and company arrived on the 16th inst.

At your convenience I wish you to forward the names of the persons who paid the tithing mentioned in the financial report of the Philadelphia Conference, with the amount paid by each placed opposite his name, that each one who so paid may be properly credited in the books of the General Tithing Office here.

Br. N. V. Jones informs me that there were six certificates of deposit in New York City, for $100 each, that failed to reach br. J. Gates at Florence, and which he authorized and instructed you to collect at once, and retain the money subject to further advices. Neither br. Jones nor myself have received word as to what you have done in the matter; please inform me at as early a date as poss[word cut off].

If you have occasion to send Elders to any place or places, I wish you to be careful and send only men of wisdom and discretion, and instruct them and all the brethren to be ever watchful and prudent, and to make no news themselves, but to allow the unbelievers to make all the news. It will probably be best not to hold any public meetings in <any> place, but let the Elders visit the brethren and people in their houses, as opportunity may offer, and talk with and instruct them. Wherever there is an organized Branch, the members can assemble at some private house, or in some retired room of sufficient size to convene them, and sing, pray, break bread, and encourage each other, all without stir or excitement, that the enemy can take no advantage. Instruct the Elders and brethren, as soon as possible, on the spirit of the counsel in this paragraph.

The erection of a stone building, 80 X 144 ft, on the Cahoon lot, for lecturing in, theatrical performances, &c. is rapidly progressing; and various other improvements are being made of character useful and creditable to our City and Territory.

Our hay and wheat harvests are excellent, and corn, fruit, &c. promise good yields. Your family and the people generally are well, peaceful, prosperous and happy.

Praying for all needful blessings to attend your labors in behalf of the truth, I remain,

Your Brother in the Gospel

Brigham Young