1861 September 21 Letter to J. T. D. McAllister


1861 September 21 Letter to J. T. D. McAllister


Brigham has visited most Utah Saints and they are thriving. McAllister may extend his mission oversees or return home. Instructions are given on financial matters.




Brigham Young


J. T. D. McAllister


1861 September 21


Great Salt Lake City
Philadelphia, PA

Number of Pages



Missionary Work
Financial Matters

Item sets

G. S. L. City, Sep. 21, 1861.

Pres. J. T. D. McAllister,
Philadelphia, Pa.,

Dear Brother:-

I replied to your letter of July 29 on the 21st of August, but as our Delegate, the Hon. J. M. Bernhisel, leaves for Washington on the 23d inst., I avail myself of so favorable an opportunity for safe transmission.

While confusion, strife, and bloodshed are increasing in the States, peaceful relations continue to prevail throughout our borders, and abundant harvests are crowning the labors of the husbandmen.

Except br. Joseph W. Young's, which is expected on the 23d inst., the immigrating companies have all arrived, having made good time, and, as a very general thing, are in excellent health and spirits.

In my visits to and meetings with the brethren in nearly all our settlements, this season, from the extreme southern to almost the farthest north, I have found industry, peace, prosperity, and happiness characterizing the condition of our people, which is encouraging to all who are laboring for the cause of truth, both at home and abroad.

I was much pleased to learn the improved condition of your health, and hope you will use all due care for its preservation; and also be watchful, (not only in Philadelphia, but also in New York, Boston, and all other places where duty may require you to visit the brethren,) that you be not entrapped by the wicked; and caution the brethren to be constantly on the guard, and, so far as possible, to be careful to keep a way open for their escape at any moment.

You are at full liberty to start for home at any time you may choose, though your health may not be sufficiently established to warrant your doing much at hard labor, should you return soon. If this be the case, and you prefer extending your mission as far as Europe previous to your return home, you are at liberty to do so, and report yourself to the Presidency in the British Isles. Should you conclude to cross the Ocean and continue your mission, it will be necessary for you to select the most suitable person you can find to leave in charge in your place, giving him such instructions as the Spirit and your experience may dictate.

Having full liberty to return at your pleasure or report yourself to the Presidency in Liverpool for further service, the condition of your health, the dictate of the Spirit, and the circumstances by which you are surrounded will doubtless be sufficient to guide you in the choice of the best course to pursue.

We have received advices from br. Geo. Q. Cannon, to br. N. V. Jones, of the reception of the $2000 (£411.6.3) br. Jones requested you to forward to br. Cannon. Lest you may not have drawn and forwarded the $600 deposited by br. Jones in bank in New York, he will furnish Dr. Bernhisel a letter authorizing him to attend to the matter; if you have already forwarded it, all right.

Your family, so far as I know, are well, as are also your friends and the people generally,

Your Brother in the Gospel.

Brigham Young

P. S. Your relatives and friends have arrived in good health and spirits.